I feel like huge boobs make women, especially short women, look bigger than they are.
I feel like huge boobs make women, especially short women, look bigger than they are.
His voice plays a big part. He has a smooth, sexy voice.
Thank you! It was just so awful. I have a 3 1/2 year old and I just cling to him. I’m just so weepy. I feel hollow and wrong. I don’t understand what happened and I’m so scared to try again.
Fertility monitors are worlds better. They take all the guessing out.
I’m 33 but have recently gone through the insanity of trying. A few things. 1) You should check out “The Impatient Woman’s Guide to Getting Pregnant.” It made me feel so much better. Among other things she frankly hashes out the numbers. Did you know that famous statistic about how hard it is to get pregnant over 35…
Just me then I guess.
Was it just me or did she sound like she had a British accent?
My uncle got his leg stuck in a ski lift gear on top of the mountain. Mangled the shit out it. Drove a stick shift all the way down to get help. He lost his leg but he’s a badass and has a really great sense of humor about it. I wish I got to know my dads side of the family better.
Are they turning away people who got divorced? Committed adultery? Probably not.
Please share the name of this service! I have really enjoyed using prepped meal services here and there but then repeating the recipes.
I did not expect such an anti-juice stance from JuiceBoxHero!
You’re fine. Don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good. Your daughter is getting fluids and a little bit of juice isn’t gonna hurt her. My son used to drink milk and now he won’t. Just won’t. So you know what I do? Get chocolate milk and put a tablespoon or so in a cup of milk and voila: kid will drink a glass…
Oh my god how many photos are there of her on his lap? Too creepy.
Hairline? That was my best guess.
My husband and I watched this last night and I was blown away to realize I had honestly never heard Jared Kushner speak. The man’s in charge of everything and I cannot honestly tell you what he sounds like. It was funny but one of those laugh so you don’t cry kinda deals.
Nice. I’ll give him a hand ;)
He’s not pressing. He’s just initiating intimacy: cuddling, back rubs, and this morning just up and asked if I’d like to fool around. He takes no really well. But I want to want to if that makes sense, I do miss the intimacy of it. Just not the actual act.
So pregnancy/relationship question: what were yalls libidos like early in pregnancy? I don’t really remember how I felt with my first but this time around I’m just not about it. I’m 9 weeks and I’m bloated and my boobs hurt and I really do not feel like sex. But my husband wants to, he’s been hinting and it has been a…
Eat protein first, veggies second and put your fork down in between bites. That way you get full faster and can moderate on the carbs. This wasn’t the way I tried to moderate and still be able to go out to eat. Don’t be too hard on yourself! It’s not all or nothing: you can make a bad choice here or there and still…
Wait did we see anything of Richard apart from his butt and like maybe thigh photos during her memories? I just watched it weds night and don’t remember ever seeing Richards face.