
No I totally am. I really enjoy it. You know the one thing I’ve noticed is despite all the sex there’s yet to be any where the woman enjoys it herself. I feel like that’s a conscious choice and they’re waiting for Charlotte and that Welsh man. To make a point about the difference between transactional sex and intimacy?

I’ll give it a try only if the same guy from the Guardian does recaps again. Otherwise I couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on and they were just plain hysterical.

Don’t get fancy! They need to be flat and kids ones can be a good size. I use one for my eyebrow brush too before I pencil.

Get a cheap toothbrush. I love brush out my lashes with a toothbrush after I put mascara on them.

And do it via text not out loud because people don’t like feelings “duped”. Starting high also helps weed out those who absolutely won’t take a deal because they have to be somewhere. It was a really interesting segment.

Question can you bring the less comfy shoes to work and get a good pair of slip on walking sneakers?

My money says she is the always wears high heels type though. 

Yeah but she looks like the type of woman who always wear she really high heels.

Yes, I forgot about weenis. I had so much fun giggling about weenises as a preteen. That needs to come back into my lexicon. Now I’m giggling at work. Weenis.

Yes but bargaining for 5 minutes of Ninja Turtles is the key to an easy bedtime routine.

He’s got such a sexy, raspy deep voice too. Whole package. I remember being like 13 or 14 watching the Shadow on VHS and being like: this, this does something for me.

Ugh. What, you find sniffing coworkers necks to be weird!? So PC. I regularly sniff my coworkers. Their necks, pits, occasionally crotchal region... it’s a categorical truth that only PC libtards would find this in any way strange let alone offensive.

Just pay Amazon. All the streams I found were tiny little boxes in a big patterned background and you need to see those costumes BIG!

I am so sorry. I had a miscarriage in December and I am also pregnant again (almost 7 weeks) and it is scary. I’m taking it one day at a time. I’m focusing on myself. I’ve cut down to two cups of coffee, I go on long walks outside and enjoy the seasons. But still, I’m scared. I go for my first doctors appointment on

Right? I was shocked she didn’t go home against James. She was so flat and her personality was off putting. My money is on Aja going next.

Are you referring to National Lampoons vacation because they are worth a go. Christmas Vacation alone is so good but really they all are (with vegas IMO being the weakest). Caddyshack may not hold up but the vacation movies are great.

And let them learn how to negotiate turns and sharing among themselves!

But then they go off in a corner to poop alone and freak out if the dog even looks out him. So I would make it a point to hunt him down and eyeball him til he got pissed and then go “Oh, you want pooping privacy?” Now when he marches into the bathroom I go “Hey, mommy wants pooping privacy” and he seems to get it.

That was what made flying so awful - there is literally no exit plan. You can’t dash out, you can’t retreat somewhere to regroup, you just gotta knuckle through it. After flying with our almost 3yo I have decided I’m done and will not fly again with a child under 5 unless there are some pretty dire circumstances. Oh

I dunno we brought his carseat (he was almost 3), made sure it was FAA approved for flying and had the first flight crew was like “no you can’t use that”. HE WAS HEINOUS because keeping him buckled and seated was a constant struggle. The next leg I just said “nope, this is happening”, we put him in his seat and voila: