
Oh if your irregular get one. It’s like $109 for the touch screen and $30 for the sticks (3 months worth) but it tells you when you are high fertility (estrogen spike) and when peak (lutenizing hormone). It takes the guesswork out and apparently gets more accurate with more cycles in terms or reading your peaks. It’s

Reading that always makes me feel sane because I realize I am not alone. Then a little insane cause I’m like wtf dudes, this is such horseshit.

If this isn’t your cycle I recommend getting an ovulation tracker from Amazon. This is my first month with it and I really appreciate the precision and I feel like it gives me the illusiom of control.

Thanks I will! No idea why it was so hard. Maybe the fact that it felt completely different in the way the left hand and right hand interacted, diff posture? No idea but in part it was that I went from proficient in that I was able to play Bach, Scarlatti and Chopin etc and to fucking struggling to manage basic primer

But then who does it eventually. I say that about like vacuuming or taking out recycling but then it builds and builds and shit son those aren’t dust bunnies they’re dust bears and my kid keeps tripping over the recycling.

Oh the cleaning service is happening. I am resolved. It may require us to spend a bit less on BS elsewhere to not dip into savings for the time being but it’d make me feel so much happier.

Is there an end in sight to the crazy schedule? That’s the only way I can do it, knowing this is just temporary.

Me too! Explosions or scalding.

Oh you will get frustrated. Moving from piano (started same age) to strings was infuriating. Frankly I gave up and we bought an old piano and I started back with that. It was great, I went on craiglist and got a gorgeous 1917 piano for $100 and really moved my playing abilities forward. After we had a kid and moved I

Your cycle can effect your weight like WHOAH! I weigh myself a lot and I go up around 4-5lbs pre-period and ovluationish. Seriously, when you start weight tracking you can see a real correlation to both your hormonal cycle and your sodium consumption. Don’t get down on yourself, no way you gained an actual 5lbs in

Have you discovered She loves the instapot and seriously has me considering getting one. Thoughts? But any instapot recipe she also adapts for slow cookers. Also way to feed your child a healthy and delicious meal!

Awesome! It really is all about establishing good routines. I love jogging (I started out walking), especially as it gets lighter out. It’s a great way to get to to know my neighborhood and neighbors and there’s something so rewarding about watching the seasons. You can do this, the positive feedback loop is the best!

Ender’s Game. Orson Scott Card sucks balls personally as a human being but those books are amazing.

A) get a kindle, books are great.

They say it’s easier to get a job once you have one and I found that to be true. I got a job, teaching as an adjunct, at the local community college and made it into a full time position. Then we moved :( Now I got a job doing something I’m ridiculously overqualified for but I help people, it pays the bills and I’ll

Good advice. I’m going to do this tomorrow. He’s a good dad, but he can be a good dad while this lady gets her nails done tomorrow.

We need to just suck it up and get a cleaner. I think this would alleviate like 50% of my marital frustrations. Also batch cooking is a damn fine idea too.

Oh my god when you are trying to get pregnant every.single.thing becomes a “symptom”. My heart is also hoping but I just don’t know either, it’s still too early. My boobs hurt and I have gas but god knows those could also be PMS. I feel like I’m driving myself (and my husband) crazy. Thinking good thoughts your way.

Well you told us and CONGRATULATIONS! That’s so exciting! I’m so happy for you. Feel free to gush my way if you wanna keep it on the DL for now :)

Thanks, I will try this Monday! You would not believe the “reasons” my anxiety has come up with for why she stopped texting me.