
This was me with my now husband. It sounds corny but it reminded me of that Alanis Morissette song “head over feet”. Just enjoy it and remind yourself that you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect.

Do not call names and don’t say things you can’t take back. This is funny cause I literally posted a question begging for tips about how to deal with resentment about second shift and emotional labor. BUT we’ve been married 10 years in June and honestly we’ll get through this round of frustrations because we talk

Okay two issues.

Literally right away I told my family (on the phone with my sister while I took the test). The second time I miscarried a week later but those were also the people I leaned on during that rough time. But I am also that person who cannot wait for you to open up the present and doesn’t like surprises.

Blind bag toys is a thing? Would amazon have them? Thanks, I hate using exclusively candy bribes.

Why’d you pay for their dogs vet bill if they were off leash? You were upholding your part of the social contract!

Yikes! Embarrassing. I’m glad no one got bit!

Mine was shrieking and running. Apparently it made it worse. I don’t remember yelling (I thought someone else was) but then again I was being bitten by a dog.

I can’t stand people who let their dog cruise around off leash. (1) I don’t know your dog, it may be super well trained but I DO NOT KNOW THIS. So I see a dog off leash and it makes me nervous when I’m trying to go about my business. But even more likely (2) Your dog isn’t super well trained and now it’s running

Yeah I just ordered the mattress protector. My 3 1/2 yo son uses diapers this way AND it’s preventing us from pooping in the potty since he will wait, wait, wait and then the minute you put him down (in a diaper for the night) “I have a poopy!” and then first thing in the morning “I have a poopy again!” I’m pretty

A couple of questions, first the YWCA has lawyers where you are? And second can you find representation otherwise? What about legal aide? Some Legal Aide offices have dedicated attorney’s who work on grants to deal with domestic violence cases. Additionally, is there a law clinic at you local law school? This seems

My hair is the longest it’s ever been with layers around my face and I am, at 33, learning how to “do hair”. I’ve learned braiding, I’m learning how to blow dry with a round brush and today I got my very first set of hot-rollers (because I can’t use a curling iron for shit). I’ve also finally discovered product.

Next door is boring posts clogging you email up until all of sudden something wonderful happens like a fight between two neighbors about whether a cat is a free spirit who owns itself or a mangy stray that uses someone’s mulch as a litter box.

Hey thanks! You just saved me some googling. I was like “I wonder if this is the dude with the crazy voice I heard on NPR yesterday? ... Hedonism bot you say? Yup. This is him”

Wait is he naturally a blonde or a brunette? Because either way dye was involved and they even got his eyebrows which is commitment.

She got married to a British guy who owns a racing franchise in Europe and is named Maximillion and remains unreasonably beautiful. I can’t remember where I read about this but she seems to be out of the rap game now but still does movies. I think.

That contract is void for violating public policy. I mean the contract is stay here as a prisoner forever or I ominously keep your father in my clutches. And then there’s the slight issue of her signing under some rather pronounced coercion (enfeebled father in clutches of scary beast). Also do we know how old Belle

And he goes to colleges because his sort of mean, petty cool kids schtick appeals to that age group. By the time you’re actually living life you don’t have time for his petty shit and it just come and off as so desperately juvenile: I’m so edgy, so cool - don’t you wanna be cool and edgy too?

The eyebrow thing feels like a massive conspiracy. I had thick, bushy brown eyebrows and blond hair. Wax, wax, wax, pluck, pluck, pluck and NOW what I used to have and can’t get back is in fashion? Damn you vagaries of fashion!

Oh most definitely. I loved Grease and Grease 2. As an adult I’m like damn these are some racy movies!