
Me too. It’s some damn infectious and Howard keel has one hell of a set of pipes.

Verdict? Because I’m still humming it this morning as I get ready for work.

Now playing

I mean this is the catchiest song about rape that ever there was!

Me too! Multiple times over the day I’d think “thank god its Wednesday” only to then get super pissy when I remembered it wasn’t. And now it finally is Weds and it is just dragging by.

I first encountered him in Deadwood. He has always been a cowboy to me. A growly voiced sexy ass cowboy.

The struggle is real :)

What I love a good empire waist! What do you have against regency ladies fashion? Granted it’s not as dramatic as the panniers of the Georgian era or the giant hoops and bustles yet to come but those dresses look comfortable and elegant!

This. The people I told are the people who supported me when things didn’t work out. Granted I had a miscarriage at 5 weeks but I leaned on my two best friends, mom and sister.

This article was so chilling. It may have been in that article or a companion one where he talks about “resistance fatigue” and how the goal may be to push and push hard to provoke protest and resistance such that the American people at large becomes desensitized to it. So that they stop noticing it as resistance and

Me too. I was nervous about counter protestors but I heard nothing but support and I was so impressed by the turnout!

I read them for the ones I haven’t even watched yet (and may never) just because they’re so much fun. Also how great are the titles!

I would watch Eva green read the ingredients on a paint can. And be enthralled!

You can try but it is hard to binge. I’d find myself playing on my phone or folding laundry. In fact now I use it as background scenery for chores.

Thanks for the list! My husband is working late this month and so I am free to indulge my passion for just this very genre and am always looking for new series.

Oh me too. The power differential between 22 and 49 not to mention intern and leader of the damn free world is staggering.

I was like 14 during it and I took such delight in pretending I didn’t get it and asking for clarification just to watch adults squirm. “So he lied but about what?” “What was on her dress?” Watching my dad try and classify what happened without talking about blow jobs to his 14 yo daughter was so much fun. He settled

I don’t know. I comment less and less here on political posts especially because it’s become rather an echo chamber: you either agree 110% or you are an apostate who needs to be flogged. I think disagreement and debate are healthy provided it’s done in a civil and respectful manner so I think this flat sucks. It does

I have been flooded with myriad angry responses that accuse me of suggestioning we ignore all hate speech (how dare I!), look how it worked out for trump (cause politicians and provocateurs like Milo are one in the same), disdainful dismissals because I’m privileged (it was showing, glad they let me know before I

I respect the point you are making but the trans student was protesting when she was threatened. The protests there helped put her even more solidly in the crosshairs. What happened to her was an outrage but protests didn’t stop it! If protests somehow manage to successfully shut him down at EVERY event on college

Ah college republicans. I didn’t know he spoke for free - it’s definitely for the press then! I hope he did turn off some college republicans, esp the women. but I wonder if they just convince themselves that they’re the good women. Not the ugly unnatural feminists so he’s not talking about them :(