
That’s obnoxious but I do think it was just salvaging his pride. bet he didn’t get national media. Hey who invited him? What student groups on campus want to hear from him?

See I guess my thought is that protesting outside his events don’t change those people’s minds and if anything just solidify their excitement in being part of milos movement. I’m not saying protests are not a huge tool, just questioning its effectiveness with someone whose goal is to be a provocateur. These college

Yes, clutch my pearls indeed. It seems we solely disagree on tactics so I kind of don’t get why you find the need to direct snark my way but I wish you luck. I take it you are protesting him in person on campus? I’d love to hear about that. Seriously, I’d genuinely like to hear a first person account of what these

He doesn’t care about preaching to his choir. He grows his brand by stirring up controversy, by outraging the liberals, by being oppressed! If he was scoffed at and promptly ignored then he’d be free to say nasty things to other nasty little people but get a lot less traction absent any big conflict. I’m not at all

What if people just ignored him? Let him wow the college republicans on campus with his rhetoric and then go home. He thrives on drama and outrage, otherwise his whole act suffers. He makes the news and racks up viral videos when he says awful things to and about liberals and protestors who come to his events so how

I just went down the rabbit hole that is Tokyo Toni’s instagram which is just video after video of her driving and videoing herself. That’s dangerous! For shame Tokyo Toni, eyes on the road.

I was literally about to write this comment. I feel like some of his disdain for women is about hating that a)he feels in competition with us for male attention and b) rejects any part of himself that he finds “weak” i.e. feminine. So hating us is really about hating parts of himself. But yeah, he has such blatant

My three year old is obsessed with boy things and girl things. He spends tons of time pointing out that that is a girl thing (makeup brush) or a boy thing (dads electric razor). When I try and be like boys can use makeup too if they want he gets indignant. There are boy songs (that I can’t sing). He’s constantly

My 30s are the best thing that ever happened to me period exclamation point. Am I where I thought I’d be? Fuck no. But am I a better, more complete and good person? Yeah, I like to think I’m getting there. I think a lot of it comes down to being in a bad place in my 20s but I realize at 33 that I can be happy and okay

In laws are a mixed bag. I love mine, stayed there too long. I could not discipline my own child (3 yo) who learned how to play the game. My FIL is a pediatrician so must be deferred to but dude, no. I think he has a lot of ideas in theory but did very little hands on parenting and... wait. Yeah I also need to

Wait I’m new to this whole thing? Who is Ted casablancas? Is he the blind item guy? I hadn’t even heard of CDAN until someone else referenced it. In my limited time reading BG I’ve seen a fair amount turn out true so I assumed it was fairly legit. Am I wrong?

What’s CDAN? More blind items? I don’t know why I like this so much but I have a blast guessing and feeling like I’m in on some super secret. Thanks for the new site!

That is a very fair point. It would be work.

But they have so much money! They make tons from their apps, the show, product endorsements (not to mention actual products), and appearance fees. Why jeopardize that empire for a bit more from some Saudi or Dubai oil baron?

Would you for a million? I... I might. All the stupid, awful drunk sex I had for free in college. It’s an interesting proposition and I very much agree: who the hell is handling her finances!?

Meaning she has no non-side job? Any other guesses?

I mean but surely not. They are making money hand over fake lip with their apps and appearances. People always guess them though!

Holy shit I’m going to try this line with my fractious, pot stirring, always the victim sister. Any other tips?

Are we 100% sure this isn’t a parody? Because lately I can’t even tell.