
Was the sex super good? I ask because (a) that has to be why you stayed a few months if he was being a grade a douche (no?) and (b) complete opposite angry sex can be damn fine sex.

Also I’m happy to have the holiday from work. That is what I am happy about. Christmas is great, New Years is fun but what I am wishing everyone is a happy holiday from their normal life to celebrate and eat. Happy hiatus.

Wait 10% for the whole year? Were you getting tons of presents or super baller presents?!?

Yikes, also they sound like they suck. Do you just get along to go along?

See but a large number of the poor people I deal with (I work directly with the public that comes in contact with the police and court system) do work. They aren’t lazy. They work at Wal-Mart, Kroger, McDonalds, a daycare etc. and a fair number have a second job as well. And yet they still depend on government

How do you audition? Like you do you mean an interview or do you have to court church people? Bring them to your house and show them how very Godly (with a capital G) you are? What denomination out of curiosity. And I’m betting decent money it’s in the south.

What up G-Spot! That’s a place to start. It’s been awhile since I lived in the area but I volunteered through the county party a decade or so ago. I just bugged them by phone until I got ahold of someone who was like: go to this lady’s house and make phone calls. And that was

My mom wove us my son a blanket and used this kind of yarn for the border. I can imagine it’d be hard to work with.

That is some gorgeous yarn. Look how it catches the light!

I just got full service car wash gift certificates for his new car. It’s black so it’s always dirty. But good ideal!

Membership and experiences are good gifts. My mom has everything and what she wants is out of our price range. However, she’s been complaining her dog is starting to have “bad habits” again so my sister and I went in on a few refresher lessons with her dog trainer.

Ask for money FOR something. Like pick a big expense and ask for money towards it. That way they aren’t just throwing money your way but helping you with a purchase. Also ask for small things that they can buy that they can imagine you using and enjoying. Example: my mom has great taste in crafts and has the coolest

It may be developed into a movie/TV series! How amazing, please showtime or some cable network that would do it with high production value and good writing. I would be in utter heaven.

That is a fair point especially since we all clearly know the answer to how much money is enough is: ALL OF IT! And if he’s around people with lots more I’m sure having more would be “deserved”. Dude do it the old fashioned way, find a rich older lady and marry your sugar mama.

Okay can we talk about both of those series though?

I think he has/comes from money though. From Wikipedia:

First of all, I do see the appeal. Did you like Unclaimed by Courtney Milan. I loved the dynamic of a chaste (but charmingly flirtatious) hero with a jaded courtesan. It’s such a nice reversal of virginal audacious miss with a jaded rake.

Really? Maybe it’s time I reread Winters again. My absolute favorite so far, managing to top even Lord Caire, is Valentine Napier. He’s up there in my top 5 all time favorites right there with Lord Dain and Derek Craven.

ELIZABETH HOYT! Maiden Lane Series - Wicked Intentions; Grace Burrowes - any one of her myriad books is amazing; Maggie Osborne - Silver Lining (Westerns but such fabulous writing); Sarah MacLean - Nine Rules to Break; Bec McMaster - Kiss of Steel (historical but in an alternate universe); Eloisa James; Julia Quinn

I discovered that show this morning and I have gotten nothing done all day! I can’t figure out why I’m so into it either because it’s not super dramatic and I don’t really care about the characters and yet I cannot stop watching.