
That is the cutest thing! I love it.

Pretty sure I am not because no way would my sister pick such a badass screenname! Plus it’s Mimi & PeePaw. Poppy is my side, they’re the inlaws :)

If it weren’t so loaded it could be a bad ass name! I love the mouth feel of it. But yeah, naming your daughter after the “whore of Babylon”.... it’s the perfect dog name though cause she was eaten by dogs!

You just want to smack her parent’s hands and say “No! Bad.”

Yes. This sounds like precisely what happens. My husband rejected every name (it’s stupid, this nickname, I knew an X who sucked) until finally admitting he wanted a IV. So I got ZERO creativity in the actual naming but picked out a pretty solid nickname so there’s that.

NM it worked. We successfully doxxed and undoxxed ourselves. Living dangerously!

Hey would you dismiss the post where I told you the name? It won’t let me edit it out, I’ll do the same if you like. I just really cling to online anonymity and I know people I know IRL read Jezebel and I don’t want those two worlds to meet! EDITED TO ADD: Well wait maybe it’s gone but who knows. Freaking kinja, wish

I like that! I wanted to avoid all the obnoxious Rob, Robbie’s and god help me: Bob or Bobby. I’ve never heard of Dorian for a girls name but I really like it and Dori-o is so cute! It’s great for making up songs with :)

The nickname? That would 100% dox me. I’m editing this out in a hot second though because I’m uber paranoid. So read fast.

Oh bless his heart. Jevin... Jev’s a kinda cool nickname I guess. What were they thinking though!?!

Lucy Furson is how we did it. All my animals have, at the very least, two names. And Jezebel Puppyeta (her backstory is that she was a russian operative posing as a model so that she could travel all over the world on the pretext of photo shoots).

Yes we also went through a long and drawn out debate. I would threaten to have him call my mom “Gangee” a la Arrested Development just for kicks but they finally settled on Nan and Mimi. My dad came up with Poppy. My son was left to puzzle out my father in law’s name and came up with “pee-paw” on his own.

Wait were we once friends? Because I went through that phase in my early 20's. It’d be super sexy dammit! Though I honestly don’t think I could every actually do it to a child. Also loved the name Jezebel. Solution: dog-names. And IRL I named my son a super conventional name with a pretty cool nickname.

See does the “i’ make it better or worse than the “y”? Braiden or Brayden? Aiden or Ayden? I honestly cannot decide.

I didn’t have the ash falling like snow but my coworker was talking about weird flakes and I bet that’s what it was. We’re in Knoxville, are you closer to the fires? Monday was all kinds of eerie with the winds.

I mean I feel like a lot of photographers who photograph models photograph a lot of half naked girls, sadly even younger. He actually didn’t flirt with them just took meh photos and that was that. I never really thought about ANTM. I just liked the makeovers and crazy photo shoots. And Miss Jay.

RIGHT? It was all smoky and smelled like burnt plastic with a burning orange ball in the sky. We should have known something was brewing.

Well?! Was he as stunning IRL as he always looked on TV because that man had bone structure to die for.

I live in East Tennessee and it’s been smoky for weeks. This rain has finally gotten rid of the smoke but the sunsets were blazing red and it always smelled like smoke to the point I got so used to it I wondered why it didn’t smell sharp outside this past day or so. I remember thinking on election day especially it

Probably not, he strikes me as a free balling kind of man. But... if he did it was holy.