
I’d like to hope they’ve learned a valuable lesson but I suspect not. Powerful, connected people in the party nominate the most powerful person believing it’ll increase their own cachet and help them rise alongside the candidate. Letting an outsider with a swell of popular grassroots support and idealism take the

Only if you let it be! My dads is 71 and in better shape than me, riding 50 miles a day on his bike and touring the world. 66 ain’t shit! Happy thanksgiving.

But honey baked ham is spiral cut and so damn sweet and juicy. If there is something better than honey baked ham out there good lord I need to know!

Yes! So much this. Establish trust, have a conversation.

They’ve proven that when you attack people double down. So don’t be adversarial. Ask her questions. Not snarkily, but honestly: what if? What about herd immunity for other sick kids? What does your doctor say? You aren’t gonna win an argument and get her to vaccinate. You may have a conversation that leaves her really

Is spiral ham not the same as honey baked ham?

If ever there is a day that demands overload: thanksgiving. Of any kind: fat, sodium, sugar etc. isn’t that the spirit?

Aw man, I’m sorry about your dad and it does suck to have your own brain sabatoging you like that.

A persimmon cocktail!? That’s super fancy and fabulously seasonal. It’ll go great!

And there’s an art to cooking simple things well. Texture and so forth. I know this because I’ve managed to mess up some pretty basic recipes.

I’m 33. I used to think 33 is old. I work with a phenomenal retired attorney who went to law school at 38. One of my husbands colleagues just started a family at 39. We have years ahead of us. You can achieve most anything! Seriously 33 ain’t shit nowadays.

I used to be pretty meh about green bean casserole, then I had a phenomenal one. I don’t care how easy, I don’t care how simple: if it’s amazing than kudos to you!

There is a woman at work who is 70 and in Friday I said something about the Japanese interment camps and she had no idea what I was talking about. Absolutely none. I showed her pictures and she was like “oh my god no one ever told me”. Part of me wonders if it’s like how I was born in 1983 and learned all about

I love this, I know precisely what you are speaking of. But I will say it was probably already broken. The directions are unclear and I’m almost positive a piece is missing. We should probably go to Home Depot again. Buy a different set of drill bits.

That is a great age to trek out on your own and make a life for yourself somewhere new! Somewhere that reflects the life you want to build for yourself. Seriously the older you get the more rooted to an area you become and the harder it gets. You are young and relatively free: go!

I ate like it was going out of style Weds. It was like my animal brain went: glut yourself. So I did. Having trouble going back to normal eating patterns frankly.

They do some places. In NC they have “curb side voting” where disabled people were able to vote from the car they arrived in. Not sure how that’d work for pregnant.

Wait so they are still in jail! I just heard they were acquitted and was like “sweet Jesus”. Makes me feel better. So the government gets one more bite of the apple so to speak now about he Nevada standoff? Still though, if they walked on Oregon...?

I mean churches serve wine to underage kids weekly and no one bats an eye.

Absolutely, she should have been hanging out with them this whole time: they don’t go to jail!