
It freaking made my Saturday afternoon so that has to mean something! I have so many questions about the events leading up to that picture. I would hazard a guess alcohol is involved.

I have yet to see that movie but no, just prominently placed kitchen windows overlooking a bunch of streets coming together.

Yes. When I get out of the shower and am going for my second cup of coffee in the kitchen every morning. Otherwise the entire neighborhood would see my boobs framed in the window above the sink. Literally, framed and backlit by the bright kitchen lights as everyone drive this towards the main arteries to get to work

I love the organ grinder description. Wells said. I’m going to wait for it to come on HBONow or Hulu where I don’t have to pay $9.99 or $12.99 to see it. I mean, I want to see it but in no way do I feel compelled to own my very own Weiner.

I wish I could rent it. Everywhere wants me to buy it for $9.99 or $12.99 and I don’t want it that bad you know.

I’ve asked this elsewhere but where did you watch it? I am very, very curious about it but can’t figure out how to see it.

Pussygate vs. Weinergate. Yikes.

Where did you watch it? I’ve heard over and over people say that it was fascinating and I’m dying to see it. Especially in light of all this.

I think he’s frankly a nutjob. Like he brought a confederate flag to protest vague BLM people then got mad when the police didn’t take his side so he killed police. No idea if his plan was to pin it on BLM but I was pointing out that this is not unheard of and has happened before. Of course the news splashes all over

And Kroger gas points! I do miss Harris Teeter, not gonna lie but this using your points to get money off gas is awesome. 10cents off per gallon, why yes please!

ME TOO! Orange County is a bunch of hippies and I just... this doesn’t feel like the Democrats in that area. I worked for the State Democratic Party out of Raleigh and in some of the surrounding counties 10 years ago during an election and honestly if it was a glitter bomb, or a stupid protest - yup. But firebombing

I wonder if his“plan” was to pin it on BLM? Like the police officer’s wife in Massachusetts who robbed her own house (she had some debts) and then spray painted “BLM” all over the side of her house and played it up in the media or the guy in Texas who vandalized his own pickup truck with BLM?

Thanks! I miss free childcare (grandparents are the best) and adult friends. I hope you enjoy Atlanta. I will give Knoxville this: it is gorgeous. With the leaves changing and the mountains in the distance. Though it’s kind of a bleh year for leaves, we’ve had a big drought and I don’t think the nights have gotten

Any fun recommendations for places to go/eat? Found Three Rivers Market, loving that. Yassin’s downtown but otherwise I’m sort of feeling my way through good places to eat and things to do as a family.

I watched my mom bump hers all the time on things. A Thai sapphire set deep sounds gorgeous. For our 10 yr anniversary next year i would like a ruby. Like a blood red cabochon ruby. Buuut will likely have to wait a few years since we have more pressing expenses at the moment.

Knoxville. It’s pretty here but I feel like all I do is work and do housework. I’ve heard good things about the tri-city area but honestly I miss NC. We hope to go back after my husband finishes his training.

How? I bought some but am unsure how to dilute it and use it? Just with water on cotton swabs as a toner?

Does it have to be sapphire? Because I love mine. I like that how it’s set so deep, I never hit it on anything!

Because then they can feel better about the shit they do they know is bad. Because at least they aren’t smoking... you should pretend to be shocked. Be like wait what!? Why didn’t anyone tell me!?