
I bet there are tons of you there. Me? East Tennessee. So... yeah. Where does one meet adult friends?

If you make money two things: movers, cleaners. This last move was awesome. My mom says “the best thing about money is being able to pay for it to be someone else’s problem.” And it’s true!!! Having someone else load the truck, clean the house, plan the meals (I love you Hello Fresh), do the taxes is worth every

What does DMV stand for or do you really mean department of motor vehicles?

Saving is freedom. Freedom from anxiety, sudden catastrophe and hard choices.

Oh my god! That is fabulous! Katya is my absolute favorite. I just keep finding more about this to love.

Be the invitor instead of the invitee! We just moved and some girls at work were like “no good trick or treaters come to my house.” Well I find out our new neighborhood is huge for trick or treating so I asked them over for beer and snacks to watch trick or treaters and now 3 women are coming to hang out. I cleaned

Wait you met a guy on Jezebel!? You need to write up this story because i love the idea of meeting in the comment section here. I sometimes wish I could meet up with friends from here IRL. We just moved to a new state and making adult friends is HARD.

Walk (or jog) outside. It’s easy and free and I do some really good thinking on my walks/jogs. And they make me feel powerful. I’ve gotten to know my neighbors and neighborhood and I love watching the seasons change.  

Also is there a Family Justice Center in your area? A good way to get in contact with people knowledgeable about resources in the local community.

Tell her to look into victims compensation funds in her state. I work with DV victims and just got trained on this. Most states have them and they are funds of last resort meaning they cover thing so that nothing else cover. They’re capped and intensive to file for but worth it. Talk to the police department or DAs

No! I’m 33 and I tell myself this acne is a stage I’ll soon grow out of! I guess is hormonal because it def is tied to my cycle. Is yours all along your chin and cheeks? I love Mario badescu and clay masks once a week but I feel like that’s damage control and not prevention. Please let me know if anyone has good

I had to move for my husbands training and left a fabulous job. I got a new one. It is not so good. I’m ridiculously overqualified and the pay is shit. I try not to be resentful and look at this as an adventure but yeah, it sucks. I figure I’ll keep my ears open, make contacts and maybe stumble into something. But I

Only the one!? In my neighborhood the two people with them have yards full. I’ve noticed that yards with Trump signs are rarely limited to one sign but instead have like 3 Trump/Pence, a “Lock Her Up” sign, some “Crooked Hillary” reference and then maybe one more wildcard. It’s like the yards mirror the psyche of the

Yeah I don’t know if my post from last night went up but these conversations have stuck in my craw and forced me to really think about the whole “girls” thing. And maybe reconsider the girls thing because just because I’m not offended and it’s convention doesn’t mean it can’t be troubling. Funnily enough my solution

Okay first I do think there’s some nuanced historical difference between referring to older women as girls in 2016 and the fraught racial history of the use of “boy” for adult african american men in the late 19th early 20th century. But....

My guess is it used to be guy and gal but gal went out over time and girl took it’s place. I actually sometimes do hear “gal” from the older generation. Also, at least to my ear, there are some loaded racial implications to “boy”. Especially in the South. Overall, I don’t know? I don’t get offended when clients refer

Maybe it’s regional? I’ve never given a lot of thought to it but it’s honestly the way I’ve always spoken and the way most of my friends and peers do as well. Girl/guy = casual. Woman/Man = professional/formal. Lady/Gentleman = sign of respect for seniors.

You didn’t ask me but I’ll chime in. And may I just say that I respect women, in fact I’d go so far as to say nobody respects women as much as me. Nobody ;) But yeah, so I’m a woman and I most definitely say “girl” for women my age (early 30's) and younger (hell up to like 40) and then “lady” for older women in casual

I lost like 40lbs after I had my son. Not sure if it was the kid, the weight loss or likely some combo of the two but I call them my udders now. They used to be so perky and full and now... well no longer. But! At least with the right bras all is well.