
I don’t have a good reason other than general idleness for lingering on this thread! Good luck on your paper. I still sometimes have nightmares that I've forgotten to finish a paper or am about to sit for a big exam.

I dunno having just read the entire thread, as far as trolling goes it was pretty damn successful. Bad trolling is when nobody takes the bait. This one caught quite a few fish in his net.

There's nothing like the relief when they are finally free though. My runs not over until my shoes are off and my bra is off.

Thanks I'll try it!

Are they washable and where do I send my money?


All 14 year old fantasies are some variation of ohmygosh something happened and we had to share a bed then we made out and yada yada yada. Hell this is still not a bad fantasy formula in my early ‘30s! Except now I have more specific and detailed ideas about what exactly the yada yada yada entails.

Sports bras these days are pretty good. You just gotta strap them down. However there will be boob sweat.

Home daycare is my jam. My son went to one from 10 months to 2.5 and it was wonderful. It was like he went to grandmas cleaner house with better toys and other kids. I loved our daycare provider and full time t was $720/month.

Odd Squad I can actually deal with. We are currently at all Paw Patrol all the time. I hum that theme song on my way to work. We used to be Thomas and friends, I miss Thomas and his friends! But no, I gotta hear endless paw patrol chatter.

Well a gal can dream.

Grr!Arrgh! Nope not here. I wasn’t holding my breath. I life in a medium sized Tennessee city. I'm going to try and bug my husband to keep asking at work for recs. My coworkers don't have any but he's got a lot more coworkers and a lot of them are our age. Thanks for Rec though!

I signed up and got overwhelmed. But that's probably the way to do it. Just start trying. I was hoping colleagues at work would have recs but they're all young with no kids, have family in town, or kids are old. I'll give a legit try.

And frequent such an establishment more often. We’re in a new city with no babysitters yet (kind of unsure how I’m going to find one). So we haven’t had a night out since fucking May. I would go to a place with childcare tonight. Right now, I’d go and pay top dollar. And then we’d go again next week barring just awful

Because babysitters can be hard to find. We just moved to a new state. Any great ideas on where to find a reliable, trustworthy person to leave our kid with in our home so I can go out sans child Friday? Also babysitters are expensive (like 40/50$ on top of dinner). So I’d happily fork over like$20 or so more on top

My kid goes to what used to be the hospital on site daycare but the hospital got bought out and the new group decided to ax it. But the parents loved it so much they took it over and now it’s run/owned by parents. I freaking love it. It’s fabulous and super affordable and the only daycare in our part of town. Buuut, I

Then you get more tweaks I guess. And I'm sure they use the best!

I too was confused about oral sex. So I thought there was kissing: like a peck on the lips, and then “twist kissing” (French kissing). When I overheard the term “oral sex” I was like “ah, twist kissing”. This went unchecked until I told my mom about seeing oral sex on our babysitters soap operas she liked to have on.

I got very invested in this post and would also like to know more about the burglary. Was there any sign of entry? Was anything else taken? I feel like your girl gave you the correct conventional wisdom for the situation (recorders are also on the list) but it's conventional wisdom, not law. Vegetarian, fine.

In that they’re both skinny, made up brunettes with large boobs and a giant eyebrow arch. Team Dr.Fatoff.