
Oh that's not side eye. That's speculation. Should I buy his kids a toy that makes lots of noise, one with tons of small parts to step on/lose, or something alive? I love our fun uncles, I relish returning the favor in the future. Who wants tons of candy?

Recent studies seem to indicate there’s a biological component to pedophilia and not all pedophiles were molested as children.

I think the idea isn’t to change their sexual preference but help them to not act out on it. I listened to a fascinating story (I think on this American life) about a teenager who self identified as a pedophile and started a support community for others like him who want to not act on their urges. It was fascinating

Because I want and need some time to myself/couples time and if he stays up too late he doesn’t sleep enough (kids don’t sleep in, perversely he wakes up earlier if he stays up) and will be cranky all day. Also I think the fit was because we let him stay up too late and he was overtired. He was having crying fits

My 3 year old threw a one hour fit the past 3 nights at bedtime. So I will talk to any and everyone who could possibly know the secret to getting him to go.the sleep. Please, please tell me.

I saw it up on the VMA page but didn't listen to it then because it was morning, my kid was whining, I was getting ready for work... and I lost it! Lucky you.

I know! I wanted to watch the VMA Beyonce performance and it’s just gone. The hell? Are they still trying to make us all buy Tidal if we wanna hear Lemonade?

I'm giving them one more season. Season 1 was just so good. I loved watching how the reality sausage was made. But yeah, this season was rough. It'd be fun if they'd switch it to bachelorette format or something. That'd give them the chance to explore men better.

My brother told me when we were like 6 and 3 not to worry, my penis would grow!

Which is obnoxious because the thin fabric means your bra is visible. If anyone needs the thick fabric it's us!

You can get great gender neutral patterns but the places I've found that do this are pricey. So like Winter Water Company and Hannah Andersson have great prints that can go either way but cost a lot. Meantime Carters is crazy gendered.

Yeah it’s going to be interesting now. Do you think she bought it or are we about to see Brown start playing the game back!?

Watching Vice Principals. Not as many laugh out loud moments as East Bound and Down but I really like it. He has a way with characters that are douchey and obnoxious but just vulnerable enough that you root for them. And Walt Goggins is phenomenal.

More for me then! :)

At first. 10 years in with a toddler... some of the sex.

Because sperm is basic. 7.2-8.

Bradford Pear. They look the part too all white and frothy.

That clip was mesmerizing. I kept watching it until my husband was like “the hell is that, this has to stop.” And I still want to watch it more.

Yeah you gotta take them off to pee but it’s like unbuttoning pants. Not the end of the world. Public restrooms have stalls. I don’t think they’re professional clothes. I wear them as leisurewear or going out clothing. Just do it, embrace the romper.

Have you romped though? I talked so much shit about them, same reasons you cite. Then I got one because meh, like a dress it’s an outfit all in one and they looked comfy. I am now wearing one as I type. They’re great.