
This is my haircare routine too. I will occasionally blow dry to look nice for an event but otherwise zero product. Sometimes I get a notion to try and up my haircare game but product just makes it look gunky.

Okay phew. I was thinking this was another woman's beauty secret I did not get like how to curl your hair and do up-dos.

What was the transition period like? From every day shampooing to biweekly. My hair is thin, fine, straight and blonde. Maybe I need to wash? I am in my early 30's and questioning my entire life's grooming choices.

What!? How is this possible.

I can do that! Thanks. I can make a regular braid no problem.

Yeah why can't I magically be good at hair. My sister curled my hair with a curling iron and it looked amazing. So I go buy one... Yeah not looking so hot. Again just gotta practice I guess!

I mean I think technically yes but you could always plant them, let them get a little established and hope they last the winter and come back strong next summer! Again, my approach to gardening is: let’s see if you don’t die, if not then bravo occasionally here’s some water.

We have moved twice in the past year (October and then just now) and every time I have forced myself to purge purge purge and it is the best thing ever. I’m sitting here drinking a beer on SNS when I should be unpacking but even then I am asking that question. The problem is my husband is sentimental. Things we don’t

Cerave and then I also get SPF in my foundation. Double whammy.

Higher alcohol beer, exercise and cut down elsewhere on carbs. I've lost weight and kept it off and I drink me some beer. Though I must admit I'd probably lose more if I cut out beer but I don't want to live in a beer less world. Moderation.

Just stick them in. I bought a 50 bulb naturalizing kit one year and forgot and then just got a stick and went around just shoving them in the ground (my gardening theory is Darwinian: I am an inconstant gardener, you either survive or you don't). Soooo many came up!

How long did the braid take? I want to do it so bad so I resolve to practice but then my arms hurt and it looks like crap and I get discouraged. Any tips?

Why is going through junk mail/bills/paper so excruciating. I think it’s because often it deals with unpleasant stuff (bills etc) and requires tons of decisions. Give me straight cleaning any day. I’ll happily scrub a toilet, dust or windex any day but junk piles and junk drawers (shudder).

I like that I've learned to make quinoa! It's been awhile since they've sent it to me but it's a healthy alternative to rice. I suppose it's a personal preference but I'm a quinoa fan.

You can go see their menus for the next few weeks. I’ve never had a bad meal from Blue Apron (well not true, cod was gross but I hate cod). The best part is the convenience: no worry about meal planning, shopping and then trying to use the inevitable leftover ingredients in some new dish later. What’s for dinner? A,

I started alternating with Hello Fresh and then now just get them exclusively. Blue Apron was super good but the calorie creep went up up up until it was like routinely 800/860 a meal (and I’m pretty sure they estimate on the low side). Plus I find myself making a lot of Hello Fresh meals on the reg (trying to

Damn it, nowhere near me. Looks like so much fun though!

Me too! But only if it weren't being taped. Do they rent it out for parties? Best family reunion ever!

Pretty much any and everything can be improved dramatically by including a “Wipeout!” style obstacle course.

It’s got to be some kind of filter right? Her entire face veers into the uncanny valley territory: all those soft lines, no pores. I mean her eyes are still crazy eyes, but the doll effect strikes me as photoshopped/filter effect.