
So much this. The way we treat pigs is especially appalling.

I think that's the idea. Go check out the linked website. It does a pretty good job of laying out how things work.

My brother in law drives me nuts with his phone. He’ll come home, want everyone to go to a nice dinner (in laws, us and him) and he’ll just put his phone on the table and occasionally pick it up and off he goes into the phone world. You drove an hour here, insisted we all go out and I guess if we get too boring you

I went to the website and the way it works is there’s a phone free zone where it is locked but should you want to use it you just exit that zone and you can then access your phone. So for like emergency calls or texts you could walk out, check your phone, do what you need/want to do and then reenter.

One of my favorite post episode places to geek out (other than here of course) is at the AV Club. They have two separate in-depth recaps that also discuss potential outcomes and tie it into the books: newbie and expert. It used to be expert had book spoilers but now that they’ve moved on from the book... still it’s

Valid point.

Now this is an interesting theory. But then where would Yara Grayjoy come into play? I have been seriously looking forward to a meeting between Dany and Yara. I think they’d like and respect one another and jump at the chance to ally with another woman for once. Re: the Masters - my hope/theory is that we’d finally

Oh yeah. In such a patriarchal world the egalitarian Wildlings are a breath of fresh air. Tormund and the other Wildings genuinely respected Ygritte as a capable fighter and member of the team. I suppose it’s because when you’re north of the Wall you don’t have the luxury of deciding half of your numbers needs to sit

He has very refined toddler tastes. Pure uncut play dough. Peanut butter and banana sandwiches with fine Elvish honey imported from Turkey. Live in Barney and Elmo actors. A real working Thomas railroad replica in his backyard. Silk disposable diapers. Etc etc.

Um they’ve made portable vagina securing devices for like ever now. I never leave home without mine, super comfortable.It's the obvious and practical solution for the woman on the go who wants to bring her vagina with her but also not get raped!

I’m guessing I meant picky eating. I sort of assumed the licking would diminish with age.

This is the smartest insight I’ve seen into describing this intense pile-on I’ve read yet. I attributed it to a sort of mob mentality where people enjoy being self-righteous and judging others but I think you hit the nail squarely on the head.

Did he/she stop? Cause so far, mine hasn't. I have to bargain.

Are some kids just lickers or is it a phase they go through?

That was my first thought too! People kept saying “maybe don’t bring your kids to a zoo/watch them around dangerous animals” and I mean, it’s a zoo. Its bread and butter are families with kids coming to look at these animals, including and maybe especially the dangerous ones. I assume they designed it with said

Probably why you prefer animals. Also you can love an animal consistently, you constantly have to look for new things to judge and get outraged over. Exhausting. Hey, since we’re here and all.... judging you so hard right now. It IS a lot of cheese! Too much cheese!

Really? I thought the kid was like America ninja warrior material going up and over then under then over again. Yikes.

I think they like animals but they LOVE judging the shit out of someone else and feeling that warm glow of self-righteous condemnation.

This is the paradox of modern parenting. No matter what you do, you’re doing it wrong. I feel like social media isn’t helping in that people are constantly posting about it. Before maybe they just judged and talked shit behind parents backs. Now it’s constantly being debated across the internet. And it is almost

I knew it was only a matter of time until the internet lynch mob found her or a woman approximating her.