
Is it a waste though? In our current system I think the only way to break the two party stranglehold is to start voting for third party candidates to show that support is there and encourage other parties to develop. Now does that mean I, living in a swing state, am voting Jill Stein? Sigh, nope. But I have voted for

Same here: NC. I’ll hold my nose and vote for Clinton this round. But I’m staying registered an independent and hope to continue working with more progressive candidates in my area. If I lived in a solid red state though: Jill Stein all the way.

What else could you call a Rebeccah? Reba I guess, Becca.

It’s so funny I was shocked by how many responses I got and as I sit at work reading them in the office next door two people have stopped by to talk with Becky. So it’s “Hey Miss Becky!” and “Bye Miss Becky”... she’s great but she’s like 65 and there is a reason she’s known by everyone as Miss Becky: she runs the show

Geez Louise!

They're all older women. I've yet to meet a white millennial or even gen-x Becky.

Kim Chi’s visual aesthetic is just mindblowing: I love what she does with makeup. That said: Bob is just all around an amazing performer who can also bang out some great looks. So my vote is Bob for the win, Kim Chi runner up.



Thanks I def will! I didn't even know that was a thing. I googled and saw bridges too, those look slightly more comfortable.

I do exactly the same thing. Plus it’s loose now (lost weight) and I’m too lazy to get it resized so it’s constantly spinning around and irritating me. I often forget in the morning and as I type, my fingers are naked. Earrings however, I never forget!

I like it! Appeal to the store’s interest in avoiding liability.

Well you can make of it what you will I suppose. I didn’t really participate much and it was a nice way for me to make girlfriends. Also, I’d suggest you don’t argue against it too much or it’ll be super attractive! In my teens if my mom said sororities were elitist and not for me no how I’d have been like: “oh yeah,

Girls that age in sororities... so much status is based on which fraternity you hang out with, are you a little sister, do you go to mountain and beach weekends? I mean, I was considered revolutionary because I refused to bake shit and didn’t decorate a cooler. And... I didn’t get invited to many events because of it.

Yeah just like how being a “little sister” (or whatever that particular fraternity called it) meant you made shit for all the fraternities, organized events, and brought them food etc. helped with their rush. In the meantime being the equivalent of a little brother for a sorority meant... the sorority made you food

I emailed you my state/city. I’m super paranoid about being doxxed online.

So I’m experimenting with basically wearing lipstick period. I’ve used lipgloss out but I’d like a long wearing color at work. I too am pale and rosy... What shades do you find flattering and work appropriate?

I think they’re more for thunder. They have awesome names like “Storm Defender” and “Thunder Vest”.

Oh no, not snark!? I’ve mocked and derided Christian victim hood claims but I swear I didn’t realize that they lived a life subjected to snark and snide remarks... I didn’t know! Truly, the poor dears.

So much this. I don’t know you sweatpants man! I don’t know if you are Good Guy with a Gun or Bad Guy with a Gun. All I know for sure is you are Jackass with a Gun and that makes me viscerally uncomfortable. The fact that your judgment says that a loaded gun in your sweatpants at 9:00 am on a Sunday at a Trader Joe’s