Do you have a link to a good recipe? I get overwhelmed looking for one and then just give up and buy them. I’d love to try it though, save some money and likely be healthier.
Do you have a link to a good recipe? I get overwhelmed looking for one and then just give up and buy them. I’d love to try it though, save some money and likely be healthier.
I’m a bit ashamed how long it took me to get this (I kept reading on thinking “Well what an interesting moniker that player has”) BUT when I did get it, I was still chuckling when I came back to star.
I just browsed the announcement post comments and was impressed. Pretty good so far, people seemed stoked.
No problem, I got this. First of all, you can never neg hard enough. Constantly talking about how hot her sister or best friend is is great way to start off. Second, interrupt constantly and explain things in a very condescending manner. We like to know exactly where our place is. Finally, I suggest you consider…
Because I clean the toilet so if I want it down, it stays down. Rather than argue the numbers etc. I’m just gonna throw it out there and say the rule should be: s/he who cleans the toilet decides default seat position. In my house - it’s down.
Be that as it may, crisp it up and add enough seasoning and it’s great!
I have quite literally heard that exact line. And I have tried, oh how I’ve tried. White fish is a great lean protein and my husband and I have really tried to incorporate it into our diet but... I can’t. I can eat canned tuna fine but that’s about it. Oh and I’ve had some trout that I liked. Maybe it’s a saltwater…
I thought lemon was supposed to the opposite and cut the fishiness!
You may have all my share of the seaweed and the sushi. It is my gift to you - all the fishy fishness! (and in return I expect you to give me your Nacho kale chips, it only seems fair)
I too hate the fishy taste. Can’t get into sushi and really don’t care for a lot of white fish if it tastes, well fishy!
It’s not really “nacho” flavored in that there’s no cheese. It’s flavored with nut butter, vegetable powders, and spices. I can’t describe it well except that it’s really zesty and flavorful. They are delicious.
Damn but that’s one expensive sports bra! I literally just ordered 3 different styles I found on sale but if they don’t work I’ll try out Panache. I am DESPERATE for some good sports bras.
This is the perfect description.
Counter-argument: No. No is not. It is gross and tastes like nasty essence of salty fish but somehow grosser. I tried the product you posted above because it was next to the Nacho Kale Chips which are the best thing ever. It just touched my tongue and I spit it out in the trash to be followed by the whole damn…
The hardest I’ve spontaneously laughed in a long while was when I looked up and my husband was sitting at his laptop with a tampon hanging out of his nose. I think the combination of surprise and his indignant look with the dangling string that moved around when he huffed at my cackling made it the funniest thing I’ve…
This is my take too. The Donald may be erratic and bombastic but Cruz is a true believer who’d push really, really hard for right-wing Christian nonsense. I’d 100% rather have a Donald Supreme Court nominee than a Cruz nominee hands down.
America just needs some help so Trump is going to give America a makeover, run it through the Apprentice and then help America be Great again. I don’t understand what’s not to get?! Great, with a capital “G”. Don’t you want America to be Great? Why don’t you love America?
I found your comments really interesting and informative and it helped broadened my understanding of beauty trends and put it in a historical context. I love exploring the history of fashion and beauty and admit to having very little knowledge about non-European trends but I would really like to start expanding to…
This is why I don't get party invites! I just assumed it was cause I didn't have that many IRL close friends. Nope Facebook. Phew!
Is that the etiquette of Facebook? You comment/like. I just don't really go on much but part of it is because I genuinely feel like I don't understand the rules and everyone else has been playing for the past 10 years. Also it can make me anxious since everyone curates the hell out of their lives.