
Wait he was in that movie!?

She is a very sweet woman and not at all naive. She was a social worker. I feel like this was either willful ignorance or a hint.

My MIL (while we were just dating) bought my then boyfriend an air mattress for Christmas because he was always coming to see me in DC. She said that she was worried my roommate must resent him for always crashing on the couch. We still have the air mattress, still unopened.

Yeah even before considering it from whether or not I’m physically attracted to him my first reaction was: hell, no, that voice! Can you imagine him crooning sweet nothings into your ear or god help you talking dirty? No thank you.

Thanks! I can’t wait to read this and am now curious about watching Spartacus.

Please share this article or a link to it, pretty please! I would love to read an in depth exploration of this subject. Seriously, I bet there are a lot of issues involved that I’d not even thought to consider.

I’ve been using trader Joe tea tree tingle shampoo and conditioner and it’s the cheapest product I’ve bought and the most compliments I’ve ever had on my hair! Also I love the tingle.

What a fun hobby. What’s the best one you’ve found? Stick people really do live in constant peril.

Did they buy a book? Or was this just an outing designed solely for exhibitionism and humiliation?

Probably. But my plan is to see if things change. If they stop standing that way - great. He was dick but whatever. If things don’t change I’ll talk to the assistant dean. Also the head of the department is this old paralegal and she is bad ass. I'll set her on it.

Thank you. That is precisely what I needed to hear.

If we felt like making this issue, we should go out there and stand on either side of the hallways talking and then go silent when they have to walk through a lineof 20-some women and eye them up and down. Buuuuut, I ain’t trying to start shit at this point so much as end it. We’ll see.

This whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought it was a group dynamics thing: previous classes weren’t like this (new group every 6 months) but it’s certaintly not helped by the attitude of the director.

Yeah marcel was interesting to me. The way the other contestants treated him was extremely cliquey and high school like in it’s dynamics. They decided that Marcel was the outcast and started, IMO, blowing stuff out of proportion and it made me feel bad for him. Could he be kinda dweeby? No doubt. But Stephen is a

No doubt. A lot of them are still barely out of high school. I think what really grinds my gears about this whole situation was how dismissive the program director was. I think I uncovered a streak of misogyny there that sort of shocked me. He was getting visibly upset when I said something! Ugh, he’s in the office

OH MY GOD. Off topic but I need to vent and this seems like a good place. I teach at a community college and in my building there are the BLET students (training to be cops) as well as other programs, one of which is paralegal which is all women. The BLET students (all guys except 1) will stand in the narrow part of

It didn’t used to be this way! North Carolina was a moderate, relatively progressive Southern state that was predominately blue when it came to state and local elections. Then... this happened and everything has gone NUTS! We got our own Koch brother.

But they are likely the book buyin’ types if some am radio host or conspiracy dude says to. My grandma went through a period where she’d send ALL her grandkids copies of certain right wing nonsense books. I don’t think she even read them herself. Mine went to goodwill. My hope is they eventually get recycled. But

And be completely oblivious to it all. They had him consult as sommelier that time for a team as an “advantage” for a team in restaurant wars and I felt so bad for that team. He just wouldn’t shut up and kept “educating” people as naseum. You could feel the patrons discomfort and I loved it, every minute of it.

God Katie Lee (Joel) not only had zero charisma but that lack somehow sucked the charisma out of others. I started with the newer seasons with Padma so going back and watching season 1 was so hard. First of all, obviously not as cleanly produced but Katie was just so.freaking.flat.