
Good on them for putting you first. Especially reading through all these comments, it’s nice to come across a story about when parents made it work and coparented with the best interests of the child in mind first.

My favorite was the answer for where they get money: “odd jobs”. One of my clients, when the judge just kept pushing, finally admitted that his odd job was rolling dice. Of course the entire courtroom died laughing but I really liked that judge because she was about working with a dad and if you were honest and

That’s true but she’s also bearing all the stress of: how will I pay the rent, the bills, buy food, get new clothes, pay for a tutor etc. On TOP of all the emotional and menial labor of organizing a child’s day to day life. So there’s a lot of joy to be sure but a lot of anxiety and fear no doubt compounded by having

Thanks, I didn’t even think to try youtube.

You’re my hero. Thank you!

I found two seasons packaged in some random place that may rhyme with Schmirate Schmay. But it is so freaking addicting, I want more more more. Soothing and yummy and gorgeous - my god where they film is just fantastic, especially now that it’s spring IRL. Plus I just love how positive it is. No infighting and you

Such a person, hypothetically, tried and had trouble finding all the seasons and was hoping another person was very enterprising and knew some new tricks ;)

It’s like people who have phobias and do repeated contact to the object of their phobia and gradually it looses its power. So I guess overexposure? Maybe also exhaustion - it takes energy to sustain the anger/irritation. Just give in.

Oatmeal cookie dough and gingersnap dough. I made some gingersnap cookie dough to make Christmas cookies and very,very little of it got made into actual gingersnaps.

Steak and eggs? Steak breakfast burrito? Steak omelet?

Wait so can we talk in greater detail about where you’re watching it. Because my husband and I both LOVE to have it on. It’s like the TV version of the Splendid Table. So there’s some on PBS streaming and only one season I saw on Netflix. Is there any other way to watch the other seasons online?

It gave me a chuckle on a day where I needed one.

Exactly, it’s “authentic”. But, you know, for $98.00.

What is this site? Is it all parody and is it all this great? Whelp I’m off to spend the next hour or so exploring. Thanks for the introduction!

If I were in a better mood if totally “review” the hell out of that brush. It is begging for one. “Really scrubbed my shit but stylishly.”

I never connected her to that movie. That was totally her! I forgot that!

I didn’t watch that show but I thought it was a “serious” medical drama. How in gods name did ghost boning find its way in? Was the ghost all hazy? Were they together pre-death? Was it an ongoing thing? So many questions!!!

Probably a cookbook somewhere. He had lots of recipes on his website for frontera grill too. But we use the skillet taco sauce. Super easy fast meal.

Too calm? Uncanny valley of niceness maybe?

Also fingers crossed on Marcus Samuelson, Hubert Keller and Rick Bayless. But most especially Rick Bayless. He just seems like the nicest, most down to earth man ever. I love his PBS show and love his sauces.