That is vicious pms.
That is vicious pms.
It’s so funny how invested people are in other people’s kids. When people asked what I hoped to have i liked to answer “I hope it’s either a boy or a girl”. Then when we found out a boy I got a lot of congrats like I had accomplished something particularly amazing. Which made me, as a woman, kinda be like “thanks,…
Ah I saw that (and incidentally agreed with you). How petty! I guess they put you in your place huh?
Ditto on the boobs. My boobs, esp my nipples, felt like they were on fire and that was pretty early on. I didn't have any morning sickness but the boob thing was the early indicator!!
I'm buying a car soon and my brother sells them. He doesn't sell what I want (Subaru) but he's gonna come negotiate the deal. I am looking forward to watching a war of bullshit.
Any favorites in the new season? IMO season 6 is the season to beat, really raised the bar.
Passive aggressive? I think it’s a more non confrontational way that seeks to spark conversation. When people aren’t being a straight up dick sometimes not confronting them “you’re wrong” but instead trying to get them to examine their statements on their own can be more productive.
An open bar is always fun but idk that I’d want one when I was too pregnant to partake. I had my son in 2013 and I don’t recall this being a thing then. Was it and I’m just super unhip?
This is so fucking over the top complicated. Someone I know of had the doctor write it, went and bought a blue and a pink outfit, gave the envelope to the cashier and asked her to wrap the appropriate onesie and then unwrapped it at the party. I would have been so tempted to sub in like a green or purple onesie. Let…
My moms obnoxiously christian friend had a sit down talk with me about watching RuPauls drag race “with your son in the room. You don’t want that life for him do you?” Okay first he was all of 16 months or something at the time so I’m not sure he really got the whole drag aspect. Second, if drag Race is how you become…
And passive aggressive emails put people on the defensive. So they write you off as obnoxious and ridiculous and double down. Simply making a non judgy statement like suggested above probably does a lot more to change people’s views than an email that makes them feel judged and pissed off. With a statement like “I…
I think it does. Nurses are especially good at it!
That's a damn fine thing to have on your tombstone. Now I'm sitting here trying to think what I want on mine...
Little body demands his own chair where he will kneel. It’s messy but the hissy fit and attempts to climb out of the chair that almost topple him into the table make it the better option. Then, two weeks ago, we go to a Thai restaurant. He’s about to go into his routine when the waitress brings out a chair but she…
Yes! I was just wondering about this. Smart strategy.
Maybe this whole things on purpose. Freak out network, get rejected, make a huge stink. Get press exposure, tons of views as people watch it and talk about it on TV. Then, after everyone gets upset, it gets on TV as is anyways. Pretty damn genius if it was on purpose.
Yup. Plus I find Julian Casablancas all kinds of sexy. Sexy to look at, yes but that voice...Yes please!
I was wikipediaing her and I read this quote attributed to her which I love: “People may say I can’t sing, but no one can ever say I didn’t sing.”
The boom box song with Julian Casablancas needs to be on that list and pretty high up there. I will be singing that all day now, such an ear worm.