
He was recently on an episode of Workaholics as a quasi-homeless former High School drama teacher and it was hilarious. It was like the perfect role for Andy Dick.

I was about to post this: is it the light, a new hair color or a combo of the two?

Cause if not they better take those shoes back off, turn right around and get back in there!

I know exactly who your talking about. They also work from home and make $6000 a week and just bought a new BMW!

How can you not care for any candidate in this election? There is like every possible flavor to choose from!

Dan Savage likes to quip that since God is omnipotent there's the potential for pregnancy in any sex and he has diligently been trying to impregnate his husband for lo these many years.

No see it's okay if you use math and biology (i.e. not doing it when you could get pregnant) but NO using physics and chemistry (condoms and birth control).

That was really insightful.

ETA: thank you for the explanation.

I thought people were just joking/speculating that Kanye was manic/bi-polar. This is true?

Here’s the thing: does that negate the coverage? Because I don’t smoke (except those rare times I get super drunk and other people are). Does that mean I lied on my form and they can use this to deny me coverage (thank you Michael moore's Sicko).

With my healthcare plan if you do these “optional” things, it’s $13.00 a month. If you don’t, it’s $53.00. I answered their questions, to the best of my ability based on what I recall.

ETA: sorry, sort of a random reply to you. meant for someone else but meh, it fits still!

And potatoes. But mostly beer. My dietician always begrudgingly says "okay how about you have two beers" like that's super magnanimous. No, ma'am. I will have All The Beers. I don't drink them because I love the taste.

This is why I can't shake these last few pounds. Because I honestly look inwards and am like: would I look that much better sans 5 lbs. Meh. Is this beer and pizza so fabulous. YES!

I would without a doubt.

Have you tried them yet? I said this very spiel to my sister when she started wearing them 4 or so years ago. Now you can pry my rompers from my cold, rigor-mortised hands. I've found them flattering, fun, with a lot of the plusses of a dress (whole outfit in one) with none of the drawbacks (I can sit however I want).

Yeah but then get out, go through the revolving door, make bank as a lobbyist. The real $ isn’t in being a politician, it's in politics.

Well somebody should click there. Maybe if we put the Republican’s in time out or made a sticker chart (you could get a sticker for every vote you participate in and when you get enough stickers you get a prize from the goody box) we could get some stuff done! Because if something doesn’t change soon... somebody does

Poor, poor Clarence Thomas. Who’s he gonna concur with 99.99% of the time now?