Depends. It's relative so I'm 32 and I'd totally with a 22 year old. When I'm 40, same. So basically provided they are of drinking age and seem down, I'm down too.
Depends. It's relative so I'm 32 and I'd totally with a 22 year old. When I'm 40, same. So basically provided they are of drinking age and seem down, I'm down too.
I won't get into how awful she was. She sucked and was never there except to fight with her boyfriend and not pay her half of the bills. So she got a padlock to her door (cause I was the one stealing...?). My husband (then boyfriend) put gorilla glue up in it. Watching her freak out was AWESOME but then I felt bad and…
Hey look, it's that judgmental clerk of court from West Virginia!
I know! It makes me think of snake or lizard tongues tasting the air. Also, if someone did this to me I can't think it'd cause much stimulation. Go hard or go home.
And then there's the yellow paint. Always makes things more... colorful. There more the merrier and all that.
Yes. Hang it on the wall as a conversation piece.
Nice! Let me know if you get a response. I tried to sneak mine past her with the "quick thanks" part.
I sent her a nice email:
Yay! I'm right about something today. Chalk one up for the Body. Also, I bet that was an interesting job, any particular genre?
I thought Willa Pasquin at Slate did a really good job articulating why The Daily Show with Trevor Noah feels so unsatisfying and isn’t serving the role the show used to.
So you can insert yourself as the protagonist. (is my guess)
He’s the victim. That is what he keeps reiterating. “The Media” ganged up on him and now he’s in danger. Also, he claims he will get $ and girls from this. So... at least he’s on message?
I love the description of the toilet paper includes “Tender virgin new-growth fibers”. Cause god forbid some used, slutty, old fibers touch my asshole.
Right but you see they are her kids. She knows that they are "real Americans" (white); it's all those other people who are undeserving.
It's a variation on "just the tip".
It’s like how my dad used to give me diet tips. I was 16/17 and constantly complaining about being fat etc (because I was an insecure teenage girl) and so he thought he was being helpful by constantly suggesting I not eat whatever I was eating. In his mind, he was listening to my concerns and helping. So my question…
Stranger on the internet I’m thinking about you! Hopefully baby soon, I’m sure you’ll be distracted but let me know how it goes when it’s all over and done.
It was magic. From wrenching pain to nada in a few seconds.
Is it just me or is he like getting sexier as he ages? I mean I like Jurassic Goldblum but I was watching him in Portlandia a few nights ago (so still, a few years ago) and was like damn... did he get hotter?