
I was induced at 42 weeks (he was not interested in coming out I guess, I have a sweet cozy uterus). So I didn’t have cervadil (I don’t think). I went in at 9 and around 10:30am they gave me the pitocin. Well it made me throw up. It was funny, my sister came to move my shoes and I vomited just straight in her hair.

I use an app to track my speed and distance on my walks and I love it. I like to push myself to beat my times, I love watching the distance add up (40 miles in January!) and I have fun walking and letting myself go until I hit 1.5 miles then turning around. I’ve really gotten to know my new neighborhood this way.

What is this new salt life thing?I see them on all these freaking cars now! Is it a brand?

THANK YOU! Really well said.

That is a fair point and hopefully DeCoutere and the prosecution will highlight that distinction. Still would have brought it up if I was his defense counsel though.

See I think it’s fair game for the defense to examine what the victim said about the encounter the day after. Defense attorneys aren’t supposed to be sensitive to victims, they are supposed to advocate for their client’s interest. The key issue is whether or not the encounter was consensual: her email the next day

He's trying out a new "stupid feely voter for Hillary" persona. It's not picking up much steam on Gawker. Maybe his thought is he can get more action here?

I think this is due to the fact they attribute those "foolish" policy positions to the very fact that she is a woman. Like a man just has stupid ideas. A woman has stupid ideas because she is a woman and her emotional, female brain has led her to hold these insane positions (this is based on listening to stupid old

It’s the air and the activity? It’s dry and grimy plus I end up touching my face a lot and just emerge looking like crap.

No. Why would it be? I always check concealor too since I tend to look like ass warmed over. I just lean forward and do it quickly and discreetly.

Maybe he's admitting that he knows he has resting douche smirk face and literally had someone look into beforehand? Like: "Hey guys, I always look like I am begging for a knuckle sandwich? Can I get in trouble for this?"

Thanks, I’ll give that a shot when I get home.

No that’s what I do! I call them Heidi braids down and milkmaid up. My hair is stick straight and French braids are the only way I ever get any texture.

Damnit, what is up with my kinja interface. Sorry, didn’t mean to reply but if it opens the box I’m stuck.

Converts are usually pretty fanatical: since they weren’t raised in it and chose it, they often take it more seriously and not just as part of their culture or heritage.

I found that I didn't want it. Like beer ceased to taste refreshingly delicious.

I am so glad I'm not pregnant now and my hope is that when we want to get pregnant again in a year or so the Zika virus will be like bird flu: last years fear. But it really does suck, so many things to worry about and be afraid of while at the same time, there's so little you can really do! Stay strong, eat some

This is my story. Doctor said they get nourishment from the yolk sac for the first 5 weeks. Also, probably means you have fun friends :)

Rarely does anything not make me want to drink a beer. I have yet to stumble across an occasion or activity where it wouldn't be true to say "A beer would make this better."

So we got pregnant surprise! I didn’t realize I was pregnant until about a month in. So I went to the OB-GYN freaking out: I got drunk occasionally, smoked pot, and took my prescription Vyvanse. His response was: “Meh. For the first 45 days they aren’t attached to the mother’s bloodstream and are getting nutrition