
So... It wasn’t until you said Hawaii that I had to hate you on principle (because no way I’m just jealous). Cool house, fine. Cool house in Hawaii!? You suck ;)

The way my sister does it it has a part (I need one to not look weird), nice volume and then my layers sort of come out as whispies around my face. I like it! Now I'm with you on cornrows. Even gorgeous people just look okay.

#4 would have the added benefit of sharing maximum body heat.

Provided you don't get fired if you don't show up. That's

I've done this, same age. I grabbed a bunch of blocks and had him sit with

ME TOO! I wish there was a place to get lessons. No joke, I can do teen eyeliner, I was all about the dark, smokey kohl eye, but I don’t want that as an adult and would love some everyday, professional makeup lessons. But then you go to Sephora/ulta and eh.. hit or miss depending on who you get. I’ve tried youtube but

That's a freaking talent.

I’m trying to picture what you describe...

If I could French braid my hair all by myself, it would be my exclusive hairdo. It looks flattering on me and it keeps my hair contained and off my neck. Plus, as a lifelong super straight hair haver, I love how wavy and textured it looks when I take it out.

Wait are you wearing period gear? How cool!

I want to do that. That looks immensely satisfying.

Wait, I would love to hear more about this artillery! How did you get into this? Do you have pictures?

I never thought of it that way, but god yes please! Paying for daycare is a bid freakin’ deal. You want more people to have kids? Make it sensible. My experience with radically Christian people (I live in the South, here you know because they start sentences with: “Well, as a Christian...”) is that they don’t think so

God yes it is and there’s not a damn thing I can say to make that better other than: Shit Sucks with a capital “S”!

Practice tests. Take them a lot and then sleep and eat well the nights leading up to it. Plus bring some nuts to keep you focused and full.

Hey though, if you can approach it with the right headspace it could be a super empowering experience. Just be like look: I’m an adult, this isn’t the end of the world, and I’m just going to put myself out there and let it go. I had an AWFUL fear of piano recitals/performing in public thanks to some bad childhood

Two-hearted and just excited to be getting in early on Saturday night social. I got my fabulous job just last year and all I can say is, shit was awful until all of a sudden: something worked out. But the lead-up was super stressful. Stay strong!

Teen birth control. Free birth control (IUD’s, pills, condoms etc) for hell, whoever wants it.

I think you should trust your instincts. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Also, it’s an important step in figuring out if you’re compatible. How do you share household duties? How do you rub along 24/7? If it’s right, it’ll be right. If not, good to know.