
Oh no or oh yes? Do you mean you’re still living life like you’re young or your marriage is a shit show? Because if the former: right on! If the latter: I’m so sorry to hear that and I don’t know enough to say anything else.

#blessed is fast becoming my trigger and I don’t even have Twitter. If I’m ever charged with assault/battery, pretty sure “blessed” will be the reason. My defense is that those are fighting words and pretty much indicate people who are cruising for a bruising.

I starred and bothered you. Why do I do it? I’ll never tell.

Oh. That makes sense and is disappointing. I’d love to see the first two books faithfully done.

“I don’t care what people think of me!” Posted on a social website where you solicit other’s likes.

Wait why an adaptation of the TV series and not, you know, the iconic books the TV series were based on?

Oops responded to the original cat man pic poster but I’ll ask you too: how can I find video of his tail? I will not rest until I’ve seen what the hell this would look like IRL. Googling has, so far, not worked. Any key word suggestions? “cat man with battery operated tail” is a no go.

Could you link to that? I cannot rest until I’ve seen a “batter operated tail”. I tried googling “cat man with battery operated tail” etc but no luck.

I mean... don’t we all? My husband’s awesome but lord jesus my teens and early 20's were a shit show.

Nah, most of the time I’m not a super anxious person and it by no means bothers me daily and I don’t have intrusive thoughts or anything (barring when I get too high). Also, I read that feeling anxious after drinking is pretty common too which is when I usually freak out about this stuff. I appreciate the advice, but

This! I’ll spend so much time and emotional energy being anxious about what I said the night before with a group of friends, what do they think of me, did I make an ass of myself etc. etc. And then later you divulge this fear to someone there and they’re like: huh? I don’t even remember that. Sometimes, I wonder if my

What llaallell said but also just straight venting. My husband used to work in a job that required him to be in charge of a lot of stuff and also extremely calm and very patient all day. So all day he bottled up his frustrations, irritation etc. because it would be unprofessional to complain, get snippy, or be short

I know! Everywhere, and often about the most asinine aspects of their lives. The guardian sometimes doesn’t. They’re just full of Windsor news instead.

I feel like that ship has sailed. They are no longer tinkerbells who die if we don't clap and believe.

The phantom tingle is real.

Nice. Holding the baby hostage. I may have to appropriate that tactic. First things first, get another baby in my uterus. I foolishly let mine out for NOTHING. Though to be fair, I probably would have paid (and I guess did) to get him out: I was beyond ready.

Fox already did just that, they released a statement:

Someone else said it on here before: he doesn’t want to be President, he just wants to be the best at/win at running.

Also, follow up: taking your kids where?