I have always commented on Jezebel and am still gray. Last year I started commenting more on Gawker and got ungrayed pretty quick. I feel like Jezebel is much more exclusive (is that the word)?
I have always commented on Jezebel and am still gray. Last year I started commenting more on Gawker and got ungrayed pretty quick. I feel like Jezebel is much more exclusive (is that the word)?
Do you have an outfit that makes you feel powerful? Whenever I have had to go into new territories feeling put together and looking good has helped me feel more confident and that seems to really help. You’ll do great, you got the job!
Numbers always are a good thing. Play the numbers, narrow down the options.
Have you ever tried the Rick Bayless sauces? We do taco days every week and his marinades and pan sauces make it sooooo good and easy and I had the dietician I see look at them and they pass: lower sodium, sugar and fat.
Proud of this, we’re recreating a Blue Apron meal: pan seared chicken with thyme roasted cherry tomatoes and caramelized fennel and onion over rice. I’m a really big Blue Apron fan. They helped me broaden my repertoire and “meal plan” for those recipes.
Me too. I’m actually interested in reading that book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo. I’ve heard good things and I like her overriding message which is: GET RID OF SHIT. Rather than trying to clean and tidy at the same time, she has you go through and get rid of stuff that isn’t useful/brings…
I mean you know I never gave that much thought before but that’s a fair point: they have the time, money and entitlement to demand a diagnose. I hadn’t thought about that.
Is there a working title yet?
The worst part is realizing you used to ma’am women in their early 30’s too. Time marches on, one day the ma’amer will be the ma’amed!
Do you mean all the obnoxious people (and by no means just in the south) who insist on flying it and associating it with a way of life and their “heritage”? Yeah I know these people, I live around them and I teach them: it’s just plain stupidity mixed a bit with the second-rung syndrome and a soupçon of racism. They…
So this only counts if you are a woman because I don’t think there’s a male equivalent* but: have you started being “ma’am”ed yet? Because that’s a sign of becoming an old. When teen service workers ma’am you a lot.
I’m pretty sure I’m reading what you’re getting at, kristal klear.
Well see everyone knows that when you are hungry you are super focused on learning, in particular about the physics of bootstrap lifting. It’s really the Christian thing to do.
My brother did this but came back outside and started playing again while my mom was gardening. So a bit later 2 cop cars roll up and he just denied denied denied to the point where my mom was like “well who else?!” And he goes “maybe somebody sneaked in and called”.
True but my haircut is a lot more involved and better. My husband gets a haircut, I get styled. She thins it out, adds layers, shapes the way it falls. Mine take 45 min and his take 10. So it's one of the few areas I feel like spending the extra $ is justified.
Why would anyone ever date someone with a freaking face tattoo? Ever? That person has literally done you the favor of emblazoning, on their face the fact that they have awful judgment. Why?! The folly of youth maybe?
I think you were the one who wrote this on another thread and I just wanted to paraphrase Family Guy and say this is the smartest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say about anything ever.
Are you sure you weren’t raped though? I guess it depends on whether or not she was a beauty.
Because they’ll be too busy discussing/arguing about it and dissecting every last detail.
YAY! Also they just get better and better as time goes on.