
So how can another person (man or woman) know when you do and do not want sex if you don’t say “no” or indicate lack of consent to what’s happening. It’s automatically rape depending upon your subjective, unvocalized experience? What if two lesbians are in the situation: are they both raped? Can a guy be raped if he

Almost every single person I know who has gotten a DUI at a young age and gotten off with a slap on the wrist (thank you lawyers their parents hired) have gone on to get at least one more. Plus the time between getting the DUI and going to court for it is so long (like 1.5-2 years) they convince themselves it was BS

Most definitely and could it have been phrased any more beautifully than “ya boy Ethan Couch violating probation.”

“Do you know who my father is.” is 100% a new money thing to say because old money: a) you probably know exactly who his father is, it goes without saying b) he doesn’t care, you will find out when his lawyers storm the fucking place.

His dad owns a metal works with like 30-40 employees and the business makes like $15 million a year (thank you Daily Mail) but not sure how much of that is profit. His parents are TRASHY. So maybe more than just McMansion but less than like Swiss bank account?

Okay this may be kind of harsh but what responsibility does Sally have in this situation? That is creepy and dickish and totally manipulative but I’m not sure it rises to the level of criminal behavior. How about this: Sally would never sleep with Harry (who she doesn’t know) sober but at the bar after a birthday

I like how you explained it: it does feel paternalistic. Also I don't know about you but often when I drink a lot, I get horny. I doubt I'm the only one (pretty much the bar scene). This sets up a rediculous paradox where women choose to go drink, look for sex, get some and then are victims in the morning? Also what

He rape-raped you: a forcible, non-consensual insertion of sexual words in your mouth.

THIS is the issue I’m trying to get at. If you have two super drunk people do you then have two rapists and two victims?

See I think that’s a load of utter shit.

I would say no but just got back from a vacation and my husband was all about some vacation sex and while vibratorless sex has its place, by day 3 I was missing the handy dandy vibrator. In fact, I plan on buying a smaller “travel sized” one for this purpose. Well, that and the one I currently have has a huge,

No because there is never any scenario ever where it is legal for a 13 year old and 45 year old to have intercourse. Now, if a 13 year old has sex with another 13 year old then I’d be willing to apply the logic of “it’s not rape if she didn’t feel violated”. That’s kind of how I feel about this. She said she got

Yeah that bothered me too. I don’t like the idea of insisting, against her own claims to the contrary, that what happened to her was rape.

So honest question: if they are both blackout drunk, did they rape each other? How does it work when both parties are unable to consent but have sex? I’m not parsing James and Lala (frankly zero idea who they are) but rather asking the question in general. I know with a lot of my super drunk hookups from college we

Potato/potahto: I honestly think that’s basically what Christmas is. We just want a holiday that fulfills a primal desire to bring light, food, and merriment into the darkest, coldest part of the year when traditionally there was not a lot to do so you get together and eat, drink and be merry and bring greenery inside

I’ve had it with this, I declare war on the war on the war against Christmas. Since the enemy of my enemy is my friend... I think that means I’m fighting Christmas. So be it.

Is it? I don’t know outside of movie/tv references. (I thought it was salt and pepper something or other not hassenfeffer)

I dunno, given the right set of circumstances I do like a good jostling.

Have you heard of it’s counterpoint? The yin to it’s yang? It’s schlimazel = the habitually bungled upon. I think it’s rarer than schlemiel but no less useful of a descriptor.

Some people should not throw the babies period. My husbands good friend is a schlemiel (a habitual bungler) and he went as though to toss Little Body and I was like, “NOPE, we don’t do that.” Same goes for you sister’s massively unaware boyfriend, you are not baby throwing material!