I did a cursory google search but was like wait, I’m at work and this isn’t an avenue I care to go down on my work computer.
I did a cursory google search but was like wait, I’m at work and this isn’t an avenue I care to go down on my work computer.
My theory is that in the womb they were constantly bumpety-bumping along and then they’re born and it’s boring. They straight love being jostled and throwing in the air is jostling on steroids.
If for no other reason than it’s bad TV. If I want to hear someone prose on about pregnancy or their upcoming trip, I’ll talk to my friends. And they are at least funny, cuss and not super into god so yeah, I’ll pass.
Did you make up that term or is it a legit term floating around?
She is obsessively morbid. Like if there’s a way to turn some way to be luridly intrusive about death she is on it.
I HATE that question, especially in interview situations or with meeting new people. Um... dick around the house, drink beer, occasionally smoke pot and play on the internet watching Reno 911 on Hulu? I don’t have constructive hobbies, honestly my favorite things to do are the very opposite but you can’t say that to…
I finally quit sleeping in ratty old t-shirts for two reasons: (1) I discovered I loved bamboo or really nice cotton nightdresses and (2) I saw news video from a house fire and the woman was in the ugliest, rattiest sleepwear and I was like “Nope. If I’m on local news, Imma look halfway decent.”
I use this standard too. Child services would have nothing on me/yeah, it'd be okay f pictures of this house were exhibits in court.
I didn’t know that this was a thing that could be pleasurable. But sure, why not?
Oh my god where did you find this? This will for sure haunt my dreams tonight.
I LOVE when the dick is used to it’s full potential. Like nothing makes me laugh harder then when I am barely awake about to get in the shower in the morning and Mr. Body straight up does a helicopter penis. It’s so ridiculous! Look at it go round and round and round....
I was shocked to see this thread develop so respectfully. I fully expected it to derail tout suite into accusation of transphobia etc.
Me too! And so far no one’s gotten nasty and dismissive and instead it’s been a pretty respectful and intriguing exchange of views.
But then the question would be is the only legitimate transgender person one whose brain structure correlates to their chosen gender/sex? Would they somehow be illegitimate if it turns out they didn’t have the brain structure of the gender they identify with?
Are you talking about lyme disease or chronic lyme disease?
See that’s my problem too. My gut’s like oh totally different but then I find it hard to articulate why that’s a legitimate distinction. One of my husband’s friends has had me against the wall (not literally) because I don’t have a great answer and so I wonder is the distinction just a knee-jerk one I’ve made without…
Oh yeah she was totally doxxed (by her mother no less) but I guess my point was it wasn’t like it was something that she could just change without there being serious repercussions in her life.
I don’t know, taking off her costume has caused her world to implode. Before she was a prominent member of her community with a job. Now she’s a byword for disgrace, unemployed (and i guess unemployable) so taking off her costume has been disastrous. I don’t know that it would have been any easier for her than it…