
Wait does it leave marks on your clothes? I am totally up for making a batch and love the idea of using my own oils but am worrying about powdery marks on my clothes. I’ve ruined some of my favorite shirts before switching to a clear gel.

What’s this deodorant called? I am all for getting off deodorant/antiperspirant but so far the natural things I’ve tried have been no-gos.

This exact thing happened to my sister. She went to what my parents thought was a horse back riding camp and it had that component but it was super duper Baptist. She loves animals and they told her animals couldn’t go to heaven, she was inconsolable. We were raised Catholic and my mom took her to the priest who said

This is inaccurate. Christ was not a zombie in the nativity scene, wait for Easter.

I’m sorry you have had such a difficult time. I think you are spot on about people avoiding the chronically ill because it reminds them of their own vulnerability. I definitely think that our youth obsessed culture shies away from any reminder of our innate mortality.

Well I for one am glad to know who we are going to turn on next. I got you in my sights Brie Larson.

Grover and whoever this man is always remind me of the distinction between a shlemiel and a shlemazle. Grover is the shlemiel, the habitual bungler, and that poor blue man is the shlemazle, the habitually bungled upon.

Now playing

No grover’s around, in particular as “super grover”. He also does parodies.

It’s easy to say at 13 months “We will not encourage Elmo.” 13 month olds are happy with whatever you give them. We tried to be a Cookie Monster family (I freaking love Cookie) and he likes Cookie but around 2 he started asking for Elmo. He saw an Elmo doll in a store and he ran and grabbed it and gave Elmo kisses. He

I’m pretty damn impressed you were mature enough to know yourself like that in your 20s. frankly most people I know would have begun that sentence with “my ex wife”. My husband and I married young and I feel like we've been really lucky to not have married in haste and repented at leisure.

That article was interesting. You know getting in shape for a movie is intense but that really breaks down how much time and effort is required. I’d love to see a similarly detailed breakdown for how women get in shape. I remember reading somewhere that Emilia Clarke mentioned how super restrictive her diet was to

Did you read the response posted by a medical researcher? They did a really thorough job explaining the why/what of it that I thought was fascinating. I'm glad you're feeling better!

Whoa. See I haven’t really watched her (I watched the earlier seasons and quit a few episodes into the season she was in) but everything you’ve written makes a lot sense. I never even thought about the correlation with her age and her daughters fame. It’s like she is creating a new role: poor suffering soul to replace

Awesome explanation. Thanks!

I bet your friend had actual straight up Lyme disease.

“If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. But if you run into assholes all day, you’re the asshole.”

See I hesitate to post this for free of being blasted for not respecting someone's illness yada yada but here goes. My understanding is that “chronic Lyme disease” is a sort of bullshit catch all that people diagnose themselves with. I’ve know two people who have it. Both rich, older white women and it is all they

I said thank you! I had just been straight bitch-slapped in public and didn’t quite know how to handle it and she stepped in and smoothed things over. Plus my kid got totally sidetracked. Being nice and distracting is super helpful. Bless the people behind you in checkout lines who chat with your kid so you can pay!

I am getting good at recognizing you. Your trolling has a certain je ne sais quoi, an umami note (not unlike the tomato), that is distinctly yours.

Tom Jopson is the tomato troll.