
Yes it does, especially within the African American community. I ran a democratic state senate campaign and we used robocalls from himto get out the minority vote. He is still widely loved in the African American community and that translates to support for her. So her association with him is extremely helpful to her

My son is only 2 but there has been ONE time someone other than me, my husband or his daycare lady (and assorted family members) has disciplined him. We were at the grocery store, he was flipping out (NO CART! etc) and when I went to put something in the cart he smacked me across the face in a crowded aisle. I sorta

His Mitch McConnel was pretty great too. That’s the other one that I’ll forever see and be compelled to say “Uhh yup”

No, very clearly I am not. But then again they fear monger like whoa.

Other than Chris Rock’s famous bit, I’ve never heard of it. But seeing as you can make your own from spent shells relatively easily I would think that if that was regulated people would just make and sell their own peer to peer. However, I don’t think there’s any “perfect solution” and regulating ammunition would be

I think for me, a large part of it is I conflate the real life Lindsay Graham with the Lindsay Graham of Jon Stewart’s impression. I do declare! I cannot see his face or hear/read his name without thinking of it and

Because the Republican party created a Frankenstein base that is now out for blood and they cannot figure out how to control the monster they’ve birthed. Seriously, Fox News, am radio etc. have riled up this base that “wants its country back!” and believes that any compromise is surrender and that Obama is a secret

This. I wanted a child but we didn’t think we were financially ready for it. We used a variation on the pullout method (start in one place, end in another if you catch my drift) and when I found myself pregnant I was overjoyed. My son is totally a wanted accidental pregnancy. Crucial distinction.

I can honestly say that has never happened to me. People are shocked if I blow-dry my hair. But it probably would be kind of weird if people were shocked by how “hot you could be”. What are we talking very expensive? I think my wedding dress was the most expensive dress I’ve worn followed by a dress for deb balls. I

That sounds amazing. I’m going to be in a wedding next week and they have a hair and makeup person and I am already planning on putting those pictures up! I doubt my area has that caliber of artist but who knows!

I always kind of feel wistful after my haircuts when I look fabulous all that day and then the next day: nope. Part of that is laziness: I do not care enough to blow dry. But even when I do, it never looks as artfully done you know? So I’m just going to tell myself with professional makeup I’d be a 8 or 9 so in

That looks natural and really pretty. Also you have the hair I’ve always wanted but been told I don’t have the complexion for... oh to be a redhead! As for the cheek streak, I always thought that’s pretty much what all contouring is. Though, to be perfectly honest the vast majority of my advanced makeup knowledge

I want to have my makeup/hair professionally done just once and not by like the Belk ladies at the mall. I want to see what I could like like if a team of A-list level hair and makeup people went to town on my face and hair.

You’ve seen her in stuff (apparently 2 1/2 men and The Practice most recently) but she’s an elegant older woman that’s been in a bunch of movies and plays.

When do you have to skip by? I need to start doing that soon. There’s only so many workout outfits you need.

I do too! It’s helped me slowly increase my workout wardrobe, I get tons of compliments on the clothes (I love the little details that make them unique) and so far no complaints on quality. I’ve heard it’s a pain in the ass to cancel though.

I have a friend like this. She used to mess around but felt like it was “cheating” so now literally nothing more than kissing. She is awesome as a girlfriend, a really gorgeous girl but cannot make it work longer than a month. I feel bad because she tried dating “super Christian” guys who’d be down to wait but didn’t

See if I let myself I would eat very little else. I gorged on it until it’s gone then I must wait until next year. I am a stuffaholic: I can’t stuff in moderation.

I'm not kidding I think I ate an entire loaf of bread via stuffing between yesterday and today. Stuffing is the best part of Thanksgiving. I also ate it by the handful out of the fridge, it's even great cold.

Yes you can. You need to breath, take a nice hot shower, make yourself some tea and then sit down in a good area and break the task into small, manageable pieces. Mind map it out: what do you need to do, how does it fit together etc. Also go to class. I teach and believe me, when you come to class it makes a