
They are growing up. They are taking responsibility for their kids, trying to get jobs and deal with their shit. It’s not like there is a limited supply of compassion in this world: we can recognize the struggles your mom went through as well as the struggles these men currently face.

Good luck with that. The only place I’m out of the grays is on Gawker. I’ve asked nicely here and at Jezebel to no avail. If you find the way, let me know!

I posted something upthread with spaghetti squash. It is super fast, incredibly healthy, and you can eat on it forever. Don’t know about vegan, to me the feta cheese makes it.

Thank you for this. I had a standing red lentil soup recipe that I just made to death but it was so healthy and I’ve been looking for a replacement!

I am happy to report that, nope. That was my first time with that song. (though it sounds like 100 others from that era so maybe they’ve all merged)

There are tricks other than cheating a bit by peeking the next day?

I don’t know anymore!? I was wrong about Blink182, he wasn’t in it (though how my googling led me there I know not). I really wish kinja would let you delete stuff sometimes because I have a feeling my whole morning is gonna be about how wrong I am about Blink182 and I feel any time devoted to Blink182 is probably too

But how? I swear I went to the internetz. :( I feel much shame.

I googled it, he was in Blink 182. I forgot precisely who they were so I googled it and they were that band that did “What’s my Age Again” and “All the Small Things” around 2000. Now I vaguely remember them and resent him for his involvement with the small things song that I found irritating and was.always.on.

My thought is 4 just because of $ and also my son is past the cutoff date just barely so he won't be starting kindergarten until almost 6.

I will. I got a plan. I will hire Millennials and totally cater to them and pay them $20k a year. HOWEVER, this will cost their parents $50k a year. I will call it “Collage” and it will be a very safe space for people with super specialized degrees to be themselves. This post started as a joke but I actually think

Changing your entire life trajectory because of one asshole racist statement? I loved music, it was my passion and I wanted to make it my life’s work but some other teenage shit was dismissive of a particular form of percussion music so now I am a computer science major.

I make the same cookie but with butter and peanut butter as opposed to just ground peanuts. I would bet my life it’s better with the butter.

That’s a parody account right? Right?

PBSKids is a god send.

I’d agree with this. I was shocked about how many people were like divorce him. Dude I’m venting. It irritates me but he’s a good man, a loving husband and a wonderful father. I know I irritate him too. I watched my parents resent each other for 39 years, fight the same fights and put each other down and I am

Yeah, I wonder if I can change it.

Yes. The answer is yes. I think it’s any time you add a woman, men go “Whew, now she’ll worry about shit”.

My vet is an endless source of fascination. Since we’ve been going to him he’s lost two freaking parts of his finger to dog bites AND chainsawed a dogs head by accident (dog lived). Every time we go in I scan his hands and hope there’s a new crazy story.