
Well... I don’t know if you read my later post but he’s not pooping in the potty yet and I’d totally try witchcraft (can you refer me to any good witches?). He’s now pooping potty adjacent (and then pulls the flush lever on his mini-potty) and will sit on it fully clothed. See I’m getting the feeling my enthusiasm for

This is the singing age. My kid is a little over two and went from zero singing to a fully realized “Sorry” rendition by one Mr. Bieber. I didn’t realize I was listening to it so very much but in my defense, it’s a great workout song. They also start repeating phrases at this age, and I have to work on my language and

How... how does the butter make your ass wider? Is it butter-lube?

It’s pronounced “Boo-kay”, you’re speaking to the lady of the house!

Okay I’ve seen your name before and wondered, is it a play on the french word for egg and off? Because every time I see it I start saying it under my breath and I love it. Mine is supposed to be a play on anybody but I wonder if it works when others see it.

Well he’s still not pooping on the potty exactly. He will sit on the potty (fully clothed only) and poop next to it. But he’s only 2 years 2 months and other moms/dads are like yeah, boys take forever. But this is progress, right? Right? (LIE TO ME)

This is likely what she’s growing out... it’s like underarm pubes.

Oh the “I was gonna do that” shit bothers the hell out of me. It’s like having the cake, eating it AND not having to clean up the case mess. I like your style. I kinda do the same except I just get really nice about it and go “great, awesome, thanks.” I’m trying to motivate by being super positive about any initiative

I’m loving the names. An old fogey badger would look so cute in a badger sized carrhart and in my mind he’s also wearing glasses and smoking a pipe.

No. But hey do you know where the mail is I left with the other junk mail for 3 weeks and am now convinced something important was in it and you probably threw it out?

I like this idea in principle except the book would take forever and then f get even angrier when he asked “Wait what book? Where’s this book.”

There is a giant tape label that says “junk drawer”.

The finding stuff around the house is right up there on my list of pet-peeves.

It’s as though dealing with the same concerns, institutional pressures, and job requirements somehow gives me insight into his position.

Okay none of my students said that. But if they did, I’d probably have said “well I’ll be here, don’t come if you don’t feel safe.” Kinda like he did.

Yes. I would feel great. Because I hated that student and it was me who called in the shooting threat and hired the shooter and it was all part of my evil scheme to get rid of that particular student.

I really don’t view this as what happened. I don’t think he was belittling or mocking people so much as encouraging people to come to class. He wasn’t saying if you don’t, you’re a wuss. He was saying, let’s not give in. Was that appropriate? Some people seem to think not but regardless I don’t see it as belittling.

Yeah I’m not seeing what the issue is to get worked up about here. If it is that he didn’t cancel class, would perhaps the University who did not cancel classes in response to this threat not be the better focus of ire?

Someone below posted the entire email. He offered students the choice to come to class (which the University had not cancelled) and take the exam or take the exam the next day. No penalty for choosing the latter.

So he didn’t refuse to accommodate student’s safety? He just said he’d hold class (I guess in his mind in defiance of the bullies or whatever) and students were free to come or retake the test later without a penalty. And apparently the University didn’t cancel classes so... I don’t know. This doesn’t seem nearly as