Asking that we treat animals with the same respect we treat humans is super crazy, I know.
Asking that we treat animals with the same respect we treat humans is super crazy, I know.
I would argue — as a relatively successful and contributing member of society — that protesting against mass animal abuse is a pretty just cause to protest against.
Had to return this stuff. It worked too well. Difficult to even find my vagina anymore as it has shrunk down to 1/10 the normal size. Not a fan.
I'm vegetarian for environmental reasons but I also believe animals deserve respect and I hate when I'm lumped in with these people.
Crikey. That was both hilarious and painful to watch. As entertaining as this lady is, I imagine there must be plenty of animals rights activists out there who hate this shit. Animal rights activists all get lumped in the same category. People like this bag of crazy give a bad name to those reasonable people…
There's a restaurant in Toronto that serves horse (its delicious!) and they get picketed from time to time by the anti-horse-eating people. The owner loves it, he says his regulars will come in when the restaurant is being picketed and sit in the window and eat horse at them. They usually sell out on the days they're…
I think about where I was, sexually, at 18 and where I'm at now. I like that my vagina has experienced the varieties of life. If they called it, 22-26 again, I'd buy stock.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. I've read that c-sections strongly increase the risk of autism.
"Shh. Just relax. Sit back and watch me mispronounce 'penguins.'"
The math does check out, folks.
How to become Gwyneth In 5 Easy Lessons.
Also, howmuchyawannabet dude is trying to hit on girls at least 15 years younger than him...I mean, what is WRONG with these hot college girls that they aren't JUMPING at the chance to date a classy bald dude 20 years older? Don't they know what they're missing?!
My brother just this last week was talking about trying to meet new ladies and said, "Sometimes I see a pretty girl on the street and I think about talking to her, but then I don't because all my friends that are girls have told me they hate that and don't feel safe." My heart grew three sizes.
This, exactly. I know myself that I'm in no way a potential rapist, but I also know that if you stand me beside an actual rapist, you will not be able to tell the difference.
"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self-awareness." - Annie Savoy
I thought "earbuds in" was like a universal expression for "listening to music," aka "its probably really rude for you to interrupt my music enjoyment so kindly don't talk to me."
all the single ladies.
A.K.A. bud grinder...