If their kid is less than two years old and he was having an affair for three years, that means he put her health at risk. Money and cheating aside, that is grounds for the dickhead label.
If their kid is less than two years old and he was having an affair for three years, that means he put her health at risk. Money and cheating aside, that is grounds for the dickhead label.
How do we have thigh gap in fashion at the same time as very big, often artificially oversized asses? HOW?
Conversely, I haven’t changed my mind about Wendy Williams
That makes a lot of sense. It seems a lot of people see their kids that way and don't realize it doesn't work that way.
There were 2 reasons I chose our pediatrician, and it was based on negative Yelp reviews.
Right?! Legit conversation that once happened with my husband...
Me: So if we’re looking at houses and we’re like “This price is too good to be true” and the realtor is like “Oh, 5 people were murdered here”... you’d still live in the murder house, right?
Him: Obviously.
Me: Exactly. Good. I was going to kinda lay into…
She still really is an awful person. Do you know of her career before the tv show? Look into it. She loves accusing Black male celebrities of being gay (cuz that’s so shameful, ya know) and has always been the most mean-spirited, negative gossip spreader about the Black and famous. She has toned herself down so that…
“If everybody complained that they were sexually abused...contracts would be broken all the time”
What the hell is Wendy even suggesting with that comment? The clip cuts out immediately before she clarifies what she means by “rolling camera on it, you know like a camera [cuts out]” but she puts her hand up to the top of her head like she’s talking about filming sexual abuse with a GoPro. Like, WTF? A: GoPro hadn’t…
Now if only Kesha had owned a gun.....
SO TRUE. As an American you have a right to say whatever idiotic thing your brain farts out. Unfortunately for said idiots the world can then use their freedom of speech to call you on it, and, if your employer finds your speech to be not in line with the image they are trying to project, fire your ass.
Key phrase there is “our legal system.” You have a right to be presumed innocent in court when you’re charged with a crime and put on trial. You do not have the right to demand that the public/people on Twitter view you as innocent. Dr. Luke has the right to not be thrown in jail unless he is proven guilty. He does…
People acting like they’re entitled to a presumption of innocence in public opinion drives me nuts. Same as when bigoted idiots say something bigoted and idiotic and then start screeching about free speech when they get fired or kicked off their tv show or criticized by the public in general.
Really. “Stop saying true unflattering things about me, everyone!” is not a valid legal complaint.
It’s not Kesha who’s doing it. It’s EVERYONE ELSE who has seen what a fucking rape-apologizing money-hungry mega-douche Sony is.
Here’s the thing, journalists could actually do their damn job and fact check republicans when they make claims that there is no precedent that a president in his last year in office gets to nominate a supreme court candidate, instead of asking the question like it’s a legitimate idea. I am sick and tired of…
The only thing I really regret in life is going to college. I could have become a drywaller after high school and been better off than I am now.
I’m also expecting he will receive a bill for said US Marshall theater and court costs...exacerbating his debt. :(