With the Zika virus on everyone's mind now is the perfect time to repeal/reinterpret it.
With the Zika virus on everyone's mind now is the perfect time to repeal/reinterpret it.
I’m gonna terrify you even more by telling you that: you have no clue what your kids are doing online. No clue.
And then they develop more and more astute and clever evasive measures to escape the helicopter hovering above them
there seem to be genuine lessons to learn from their story. Wondering what you are objecting to.
The father probably feels like he could be helping others by sharing his regret. I am not sure how much it will help, but if it makes him feel better in this awful time, why not?
But reckless mistakes that lead to someone’s death is manslaughter.
Yes, let’s criticize a grieving mother for not noting the fine line legal distinction between murder and manslaughter.
Must be why they didn’t charge him with murder.
*runs to Netflix*
Did you know that jet fuel can’t melt steel beams either? LOOK INTO IT.
My main creator was a woman who had every right in the world to choose to have me. They can all suck my non existent dick I am so beyond over this! >:|
meanwhile, didn’t president obama include in the ACA that mental health should be treated and covered like physical health?
Truly, that part is what really got to me.
inherent value that cannot be quantified by man
I have fingernails and I still can’t peel an orange. Apparently, I am not viable at 1716 weeks.
Luckily Democrats have two candidates with great records on reproductive rights, and given the terrifying rhetoric on the right, I’m quite sure Democrats will vote for a Democrat, regardless of who it is.
Also, those words are not solely or even most commonly defined that way. A telephone is shrill. An alarm clock. Intentionally choosing gendered shit to express a non-gendered adjective is irresponsible. Let people learn their bias from their shitty parents, as is tradition.
Yup. As abhorrent as the ‘no exceptions’ people are, at least they’re ideologically consistent.
You know what I love about the “rape and incest” exceptions? They prove beyond a shadow of a doubt just how hypocritical the vast majority of “pro-lifers” are, and how their objections to abortion are completely unrelated to the “baby.”