
Who is advising him? He could have made this all disappear by releasing or selling her contract, putting out a few mopey tweets about the truth always being found out or how you have to let go and just live your life, and then signing some super girl power act to release a few girl power songs. I feel like even if he

This is what it looks like to be the first one to speak out. This is why women don’t want to come forward, this is why they’d rather try to act like it never happened rather than try to seek justice. There will be more women that accuse him of similar things and they’re all going to be dragged over the coals for not

My step daughters mother gave her a cell phone without any of the ‘talks’ that should have gone with it. Guess what I found when my sd asked me to help her figure out the camera/gallery on her phone? Yup, nude topless photos. After a frantic discussion and going through her phone, I could see that she was just curious

Omfg, can you imagine? They’d do it to. *Shudder*

My husband asked me the other day if Jezebel was “like The Onion website”. I laughed and laughed and laughed.

A child’s preference should be considered and factored in, if applicable, but the decision should not rest solely on their immature, inexperienced shoulders. Navigating the parent/child relationship is hard in the teen years and having the option to bail on the parent that annoys you the most is not the best or

“I don’t think that we, as a society, genuinely believe that trans women are women and trans men are men.”

That is terrible and I’m sorry it happened to you.

I really, really hate the exception of “unless it was rape”. If you are okay with abortion for pregnancies caused by rape, you are okay with abortion! And how shitty to put that strange burden on rape victims, to make them come forward immediately to declare that such a thing has happened in order to get appropriate

Holy God she is hot. I saw that video and was like, “Wait, I thought I was straight...”

No. The responsibility of the decision will ultimately rest with the daughter, possibly for the rest of her life. They shouldn’t be able to sign that contract for her, so to speak.

I don’t save them, I just move along to the funny cat pictures ;)

Pen names are the best! I’ve published four novels under my real-ish name and some short stories under my pen name. It’s really nice to have the anonymity, especially when I’m writing about something I’m not super comfortable with. And I agree, edit is the freaking worst. In fact, that’s what I’m supposed to be doing

Agreed. I remember one post about some evil, easily triggered, fat feminist who supposedly lost her shit on some hapless, physically fit man for triggering her with his amazing muscles or something. I couldn’t believe how everyone jumped on that weird bandwagon and was left wondering if I was the only sane person on


I like Imgur and even Reddit sometimes. But I’ve gotten a lot better at spying the weirdly specific (read, fake) posts about fat people or men screwed by women that people publish to convince themselves they aren’t alone in their terrible way of thinking. Sadly, they aren’t, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying the

I would so read this.

I have done it! It’s a great platform, easy to use and relatively anonymous, at least when it comes to readers. Plus any reviews you get are unbiased feedback, which can be really helpful.

My best friend recently divorced her abusive husband and I was lucky enough to receive a Facebook message from him about what a fat, triple chin, cunt bitch I am and how my life is so sad now that I’m fat. (I was about 40 pounds lighter in high school, where I first met him.) My family reacted the same way yours did

Publish on KDP under a pen name and see what happens :) @deerlady83 and @the slaughterhouse spouse