
Ever hit the back of a car or truck backing toward you? If you’ve ever worked making or receiving deliveries, that’s a universal signal to stop backing up.

I LOL'ed at no one's racist.

“You cannot just walk around calling white people racist

These girls are going to have trauma from this for the rest of their lives. Who pulls out a gun anywhere near a child (if one pulls out a gun at all)???

It’s like she’s waiting for that moment to jump out with the gun. Both parties could have walked (or driven)away at any time.

“He reached for my gun”.

“idiosyncratic” reaction to the drug

There is literally an entire race that was forced into submission, jailed and tortured for even speaking or learning words...

the oppressed masses will remember a time when they had freedom to do blackface and how taking that away led to society crumbling down, along with letting men kiss each other in churches

There’s also an episode where Tracy disguises himself as a white women but runs out of white make up so he covers his hands with prop lobster claws. I think it’s more a product of their “throw everything against the wall and see what sticks” style. I think even the “two black swans” gag is pretty funny. Generally,

Not to mention that what they’re trying to correlate doesn’t even track with 1984. We aren’t burning the master copies of 30 Rock or shocking the memories from their brains...if you love it so much just go pop in your DVD. Oh, you don’t have it on DVD? Then why the hell do you care if they are getting scrubbed from

This is a very good point. When the characters in 30 Rock do blackface, it’s clear that it’s meant to be super inappropriate and demonstrate the characters’ ignorance, but yet it doesn’t seem to land that way, especially now.

So out of date black face jokes taken away are more akin to 1984 than the systemic oppression of an entire group of people for even saying the wrong thing to an officer?

Alternatively, you could have spent 15 seconds of the 2 minutes you spent writing that screed to look at the comment history for “Jon” and see that it’s mostly rants about how terrible liberals are.

No it’s not like 1984 at all it's a few episodes of a tv and they are still available. 

Which is why Fey pointed out the difference between intent and impact. Impact > than intent. If the intent is to “acknowledge that the practice is offensive,” but the impact is that black people are reminded of the horrors of blackface and everything it entails and hurt by it, then the intent doesn’t matter. That she

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”

I love 30 Rock, but I will say that as a gay south asian guy, having my first experience of representation being Jonathan, the crazy stalker in love with his straight boss, really kinda sucked

I swear, the amount of dipshit conservatives who are suddenly fans of antifa socialist George Orwell has really spiked in the past few days.

I said this for the last 5 days. Riots are about the only thing that is effective. The people are frustrated because there is no peaceful venue to fix our system.