There’s a big problem with this sentence, can you spot it? It has to do with failing at basic math.
There’s a big problem with this sentence, can you spot it? It has to do with failing at basic math.
I actually agreed with your first sentence but you lost me with your....
Nope. Not okay. You had a comment and bad attitude that you knew was shitty and you went ahead and sprayed it all over everybody and got pissy when they told you your comment sucked. Fix your attitude. Then you’ll get the okays you’re craving. Or at least communicate it in a way that makes people empathetic.
I actually…
The motor that lifts them up the conveyor back to the top.
Agreed, but most people are too distracted to spend that much time per month on their finances. I am probably way above the median in how much time I spend on my finances and my general credit card time per month is 15 seconds to verify that my payment went through and 2 minutes to scan the purchases to make sure they…
Okay, I totally agree, but that is not the main point of what I said. :) My point was to pay off the ENTIRE BALANCE if you can, so you don’t pay interest you don’t need to pay. If you are making a post about saving money by avoiding unnecessary penalties, why not take it a step further and include the advice not to…
I have been going without using my heater at all for about the past six years or so and I’ve come up with few tips. I do it for the environment and it also saves me a few hundred dollars per year on my bills. (In other words, if I had solar power, I would crank the electric heat to 11.) Granted it’s a lot easier to…
Your own body heat keeps you warm more than anything else. Wearing layers does more than turning on the heat. Heating an entire home to keep the small area of your body warm is incredibly inefficient.
If I have a lot of rice I freeze it if it’s been in the fridge 1-2 days and I have never had any problems with that. I add a sprinkle of water when I reheat it to fluff it up again.
“just set it to hit your bank account for the minimum required payment”
Counter-counter-counter point: lecturing and moralizing helps literally nobody but you.
Why are people SOOOO effing spiteful towards good candidates? I see so many people doing this. This is just one comment out of many from other people. I would be elated for any of half or two-thirds of remaining candidates to take office. On a policy level, Warren is easily within the top five percent if not 0.5% of…
Well, I didn’t. I am on the fence. I think he may have been flirting. A few reasons why: a) he didn’t say ‘this interview’ he said ‘you’ b) she was clearly taken aback and flustered by it, a reaction that would be far less likely if she thought he was talking about ‘this interview process’ and c) he said ‘own it’…
Hmmm, I am willing to believe the author of this post, but when I watched that part of the interview I thought he was just trying to be charming and mildly flirtatious.
I’ve read that many people flirt because it’s fun and usually works best in the context of situations where nothing could ever come of it.
However, I…
I think you highlighted the problem: it’s a relatively tiny amount of spermicide versus multiple much larger globs of semen. It seems to me there would be no way for all the sperm make contact with the spermicide. Hence, the effectiveness would not be increased enough to change the overall results.
To illustrate my…
I’ve been using for the past two years and paying just $10/month. I generally rely on wifi so I only occasionally need wireless data/minutes. You can really fine tune the amount of data and minutes that you need each month. The prices are extremely transparent—check it out here: I really prefer it…
I am generally too busy to watch things for any length of time until I hunker down for the night so I usually stream on my phone in bed. I’ll watch the same thing for weeks at a time. Sometimes I’ll get five minutes in, sometimes 50, just depends how sleepy I am. When I drop my phone on my face, that’s when it’s time…
I think he is right for sure, but the police representative is right too. The protestor brought attention to an important issue and gives the community a chance to rethink it and reconsider. The police office rightfully points out that the protestor’s opinion is a) not the only way to interpret the memorial and b) not…
My two favorite parts:
“You have about five minutes to leave.” You’re welcome to continue questioning me for five more minutes though.
Then cameraman says, “Get back to work.” And officer responds, “No!” Great, uh, comeback there. So you’re you’re not gonna get back to work then.
Yeah, I was kind of starting to think, well, if we look at them all that way, maybe we should KEEP them all! But then I though, no, that’s probably how they’ve been tolerated to this point. Better to throw them all in the garbage can.