
You’re not getting something essential about this. Rape survivors have been told over and over again that the feelings of the rapist and their family are more important than them ACTUALLY GETTING RAPED. They are not here for it. You are just saying the same exact thing again. They aren’t going to listen to you. But

Your opinion also doesn’t mean shit.

You’re so amped about protecting Kobe’s family. I’m pointing out that rape survivors are suffering as much as they are when they see a rapist treated like a hero and people who point it out getting shouted down. They don’t really need my help and Kobe’s family doesn’t need yours. If

Lots of victims are speaking up. Friends of mine who are rape victims are saying it is re-traumatizing to see advocates for rape victims shouted down and threatened and generally intimidated, much like Kobe’s victim was at the time of the trial (ancient history to you, but repeating itself this week).

If you have

Totally agree. And I don’t even know that he has felt any heat for this yet. 

Someone must’ve deleted everybody you responded to, but it’s funny reading your responses to invisible comments.

Thank you! I saw far too many comments that were unsure whether the those racist shitbags knew what they were doing.

They are wearing these fish shirts specifically because they are more socially acceptable than a kkk hood. 

I like to think he can redeem himself. But this is pretty fucking awful. It reverses my opinion of him the past 20 years. 

Nah. It’s not over and done with. It’s every bit a part of his legacy as his championships and his family. He did that and nobody else. Pretending it should just be erased and forgotten is harmful to survivors of rape.

My friend made a vegan pumpkin pie and apple pie using coconut oil in the crust and it was the opposite of an abomination. It was the most delicious pie crust I’ve ever had.

I found it amusing when I realized it, as an artifact of our times and this groups of sites in particular: I hadn’t looked that closely and I 100% legit thought this was a kotaku post about the best video game engines of the past ten years.

What. That is a tremendous deal. That’s borderline insanity. 

Hell yeah. Real fucking reporting comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. Moskovitz comes out of this shining like a diamond. 

This reminds me of when Alan Partridge got “Piss Cock Partridge” spray painted on his car and he changed it to “Pass Cook Bartridge.”

But it’s awesome all the same even without that connection. 

Jamberg. You rule. Thanks for all the great posts. 

My muscle memory is still taking me here a month later. My first post was the Michigan football player questionnaire where one of his answers was “fuck lion.” I just searched it and that was 2007. I was hooked and this place has never failed to entertain me. Godspeed y’all.

Yeah I never got out either! I was toiling in the grays for many many years. It was never clear to me why. I was an extremely loyal reader and poster. Every once in a while someone would star my post out of the greys though and that made me happy. I will miss this place. I already do. A lot. 

I hate vapes because to me it makes people look like dorks (to me at least) in a bad way but I have to admit they’re more convenient and your point speaks to a social efficacy of vapes that motivates me to put my prejudices aside and agree with.

I was thinking the first mention of wife, he just left out ‘ex-’ or like typed it on his phone and his phone auto ‘corrected’ it and left it out. Only guessing though.

By the way, for anyone who cares, you can home make crackers by putting a flour tortilla in a toaster over for like 10 or 15 minutes. I can’t think of

I like it. The PAT. Point After Tango.

You sir, are a terrible genius!