
Would this be an appropriate gift for my nieces? (Note: I am male.)

Would this be an appropriate gift for my nieces? (Note: I am male.)

Can anybody explain (or link to an existing explainer) how some studio audience sketches on a live show are cut for time, yet still exist? I can think of three possibilities: these are taped during rehearsals and released after the live airing, the live thing isn’t true and I’m the only one who didn’t know, they do

“Life is short, life is shit, and soon it will be over.”

Thank you! And also, fuck Charles Pierce and everybody else who judges an entire fanbase only by its wealthiest and most powerful fans.

We may never find out but I’m pretty sure this is not how the starters would play out in such a series.

And they both routinely make the playoffs in spite of a general aura of shittiness about them. (Spoken by an A’s fan.)

I’m glad you brought up Gritty. This new pitcher on the A’s needs to sue Gritty for copyright infringement.