
Rep. Yoho’s non -apology states that he cannot apologize for “his passion, loving my God, my family or my country.”

Halle Berry will be perfectly fine and trans women of color over 50 exist. NO NEED TO YELL, 50 is not that old. 

Part of the problem is that trans actors are already typecast, so when even the roles they’ve been pigeon-holed into get taken, there’s nothing left.

It’s funny because conservative’s conspiracy theories about liberals are sooooo complex, but then when they try to pull a fast one themselves it’s like “Here is a paper trail that I requested you write ‘Pig’ on my cup.”

Waiting an extra couple minutes for an Egg McMuffin causes a woman to spiral into teary freakout ending with her fearing for her life.
What police force thought handing a gun and a badge to Cop Karen was a great idea? WTF!? The local public pool has more stringent screening for their teenage lifeguards.

Video?  Ugh.  Can you guys post transcripts as well?

It’s fair to say if you have a ticket to this rally you don’t hold Trump accountable for anything.

There’s a reason no one respects the 909, or Temecula’s nasty wine.

I think my “WTF?!?” button just broke.

I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...

Influencers already have a bad name. It’s “influencer”.

You can effectively vote out cops by voting for local politicians who appoint and remove those cops. Lack of engagement in elections (especially at the local level) has absolutely reinforced the situation much of America is in today. Also, deadlines to register to vote are fast approaching, and using this moment to

This made me a little teary eyed to see how this man opened up his home for others. This is America. This is the America I’ve known and I want, not all the other shit that was outside of his home.

Yes voting. For President but also for commissioners and judges and sheriffs and magistrates.

Is this the second day in a row where this column has bashed voting? 

It also looks like he’s never held a bible book in his life.

What is wrong with him? How does he fail so spectacularly at behaving like a person?

That man is such a unique blend of ineptitude, vanity, and utter stupidity. I’d laugh at that clip if said blend wasn’t so fucking hopeless and dangerous.

So the ME needs to be fired and have their license stripped. Keep peeling back the layers.