
Anything he says would make so much more sense coming out of a toddler’s mouth. 

I can’t believe how much I cried during Mamma Mia 2.

I first saw an ad for this show on Instagram and I had my phone muted. I thought “Surely this is a spoof of how bonkers reality TV has gotten. See, there’s an actress I know. This is fake.” But I was so wrong.

“GET OFF MILF ISLAND” is my favorite (fake) reality show sign-off.

I don’t know why I ever gave this show a chance because it didn’t seem like it was for me at all but I did and what a ride. It’s weird and creepy and BEAUTIFULLY shot. The leads are incredible and the recurring actors (Raúl Esparza, Gillian Anderson, Eddie Izzard, Michael Pitt, everyone) are a treat whenever they show

He reminds me of Mark Linn-Baker with shorter, straighter hair.

What Jerk Gently, Hole-istic Detective said, that’s what I’m thinkin’...

The cutaways to Martin Mull during the song are perfect.

Soap is so weird and good.

I recall that from the DVD extras. John Randolph was a great actor but I can’t image that character ever not being played by Jerry Stiller. What a pivot.

“I want you to take pick up this big screen TV...and DEEEE-LIIII-VEERRRR IT TO HEERRRRR!”

I worked at an independent video store in high school and while it wasn’t the most challenging or rewarding by any stretch, it’s probably the favorite job I’ve ever had. Whenever I happen to meet someone who worked at a video store, they’ve pretty much said the same thing.

If he claims they aren’t even tough questions, why does he have so much trouble answering them?

Also “It’s official. I definitely have breast cancer.” They moved on from that announcement real quick.

To paraphrase a line I used to use when I was in wine sales: whenever you open that bottle, that IS the special occasion.

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The “Co-Op” episode of Documentary Now is my favorite thing.

“My name is Zweig.”

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Pine has been my favorite Chris for a few reasons. Among them: