
What also looks bad is misleading headlines.

At least Double XP is funny. One out of nine is pretty good for this bunch.

Pfft. What they *should* have done is have everyone live, and then go back and digitally put them into Episodes IV-VI.

Thats... /sigh

“new” “classic” <- whut?

Clinton 65,844,954

If you think they’re going to blame their Trump vote when their benefits get cut, you’re more optimistic than I am.


Let’s not be xenophobic. These are the closest things to aliens we probably have on our planet, other than James Carville. Is this how we will respond to actual aliens, if they look all freaky deaky to us?

Not only is this an outdated and totally crap article, Esther Inglis-Arkell just posted about this over a year ago on your own site (and used a different, then two-year-old video). Don’t you guys bother with any decent research at all before posting, even in your own office?!

Well said comrade.

Let off the hook? They rode that investigation into the fucking ground trying to get her on something and they couldn’t.

Yep... the DailyMail, that’s not burning pile of shit publication, nope not at all. (hint sarcasm)

This was obviously done on purpose. Everyone knows you can’t stop the sexy.

I’m not sure you know what “deplorable” means, especially in the context of this specific election.

I really don’t understand why people already have such high hopes for Death Stranding. Two strange trailers have been showed, as far as I know they haven’t revealed the genre or really anything about the game. Why not wait til there is at least a game play trailer before running out and pre-ordering 3 copies.

If she puts on clothes then...uh...she’ll...SHE’LL DIE! Ya that’s it, she’ll die! Now who’s the pervert, huh?...You, that’s who

Yeah. That was a low Kojima moment.

So if Death Stranding sucks, or bombs commercially (or both?) who will you blame then? Kojima? Sony? Who will your villain be?

The rain scene was corny as f*k. I wondered when the shameless and annoying fan service would stop. Now, done with a zombie.. duh