
We can thank Bush for the PATRIOT Act. I know the message you’re going for, based off your handle, is that things have been shitty for awhile under both Democrats and Republicans. I get it.

She doesn’t wear skin-tight clothes to work in the arctic-cold climates. Her uniform is at least 2-inches thick. Have you ever seen what Eskimos wear? I hope you don’t assume that their 2-3 inch thick clothes to be what their bodyline is supposed to be.

This is no big deal, people, find something better to complain about. -_-

Er, she looks normal to me, it’s like she removed some letters of her closet and is wearing something a bit tighter, which makes everyone look thinner

Corny prank/commercial marketing gimmick. I hope Giz got a cut for promoting this. I’m not a supporter of prank videos, especially ones with fake reaction actors like those running away in this one, but at least this was relatively harmless and kinda cute. we go with ‘plot hole.’ Most overused term in a while used for movies. Think for like a minute, watch the movie again, and take a deep breath. There’s no plot hole, you’re just a fanboy who is probably never satisfied.

Its in the novelization so it was probably in the original script and cut for pacing or to avoid spoiling the reveal.

Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”

Eh....I can’t get past the “switching bodies” trope.

In Japan, for example, there is a marked cultural difference between the city and the countryside—the inaka (田舎). There are linguistic variations, with people in different rural regions speaking with their own accents and dialects. Often, when people from the countryside move to Tokyo, they try to hide their local

I love the dodge of saying, “well it didn’t originate here, the state made us do it”. How easy is it going to be for fascism to take this country?

You’ve never had Firefox freeze on you?

I’ve heard the “See you next time” comment and I can’t imagine it meant what this article claims. I never bring more than one carry on, keep to myself and don’t even use the bathroom or electronics. Can’t imagine how I would have angered a flight attendant.

“See You Next Time” Is Code

WHOA Check out Mr. cool who stopped liking the show WAY before everyone else did. stick it up your ass.

You should test that out. Send Trump a death threat on there and see what happens.