
Make Team Rocket great again.

Not all the same people on the WoW game team work on the Overwatch or Starcraft team. And you can’t expect them to work for Blizzard for 5-10 years. Knowledge is loss and regained, and then loss again.

This from the guy who watches terrible movies about King Arthur, and doesn’t care how bad they are. But flips out over comic book writings. Get over yourself. 

Hair styles always look terrible twenty years later.

You can have that chance of dying if you just enlisted in the Armed Forces, if that’s the type of life/death scenario you are looking for.

Whatever powers the hyperdrive on that thing.

That gif just screams “I LOVE COCAINE!”

Now playing

This had to be the conversation that started it at Fox News:

Your mind must explode if the plot has 2 white chicks and 2 black guys.

From the trailer, she definitely cries more than the previous installments. 

Take a double dose of prozac, and maybe you can join the party.

“Have you tried Titanfall 2 yet”?

People who are angry about the relationships that Blizzard sets up with the characters they created, need to get out more. All these fanbase relationships are getting ridiculous.

Or you can just read the comic, if you are not going to watch the show.

Hey kids! The new internet-base pieces are in. Who wants to be the penis with balls? No, Johnny, you can’t be that and the Confused Travolta.

Do you need to worry about the new hard drive being compatible with Sony PS4? What brand did you go with? Was the process of transferring your game data straight-forward, or did you need to jump through several hoops?

This writer enjoyed Cars 2 and thought the Cars 3 trailer was “terrifying”. Guessing he thinks that “Candyland” is the most intricate board game ever made.

Seriously, what did Hanzo do to his brother to make him look like that? Been asking that for a few months now. Did they fight on the planet Mustafar?

I wouldn’t report all three. Some players are just teamed up with a cheating Mei.