
Man this game is going to be fucking weird a regular Kojima game.

Wallet inspector!

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

Man this game is going to be fucking weird.

It wasn’t Game of the Year. It was the Games for Impact Award. And based on your comment, it seemed like it had a pretty big impact.

Can we talk about how horrible the setup and follow-up was for this award? Having YouTube personalities shout “That Dragon, Cancer!” like it’s freaking Doom or something, and then the guy comes up in tears. Then following it up with an actual ad for Doom? Really poor timing and tone all around.

I’ll be honest, I’m not going to feel bad if he doesn’t make it. At 20 years old, he should be intelligent enough to know this is a really fucking stupid idea and could easily have killed one or more other people. Society has no use for his stupidity.

This is supposed to convince those muppets that the landing wasn’t faked? They’ll just say that with today’s technology it’s even easier to fake a landing and create fake images that “proves” the landing happened.

“Have you ever seen someone say ‘goodbye’ to a shoe?”

When you go home tonight, there’s gonna be another story on your house!

Just fantastic! Really awesome! This is exactly the kind of smart twist that can really work wonders for and totally reinvigorate a fran...

Dear japan, why have people bathe in towels? Swimsuits are more convenient in all major respects.

Still shuddering at the thought of being wet and moving through the air at speed.

Right? That’s completely normal and expected. I guess it was a slow news day and she hasn’t been in the headlines for a while now...

Okay so isn’t that what a wife/husband should do when spouse has a breakdown like that? Stay by their side and do everything possible to help them get better?

Read the goddamn comics. They’re far better than the show. Carl gets to be an actual interesting person in the comics, while Rick isn’t batshit. True, Rick starts to slip into dictator mode over time, but it takes nearly 140 issues to get there and he’s currently a badass old man struggling to reconcile his feelings

title says “lowest ever”