So after you drank your beverage did they take the noodle straw in back and cook it for you, then serve it?
So after you drank your beverage did they take the noodle straw in back and cook it for you, then serve it?
I mean, it really just means “do you need ketchup” or whatever other random thing you might ask for. Might as well get it over with fast, so that you aren’t left sitting there wishing you had that steak knife.
I mean, I’m worried that she’ll get off because they’ve overcharged her. Apparently it varies state-to-state whether “depraved indifference to human life” is murder or manslaughter. Seems like a slam-dunk that shooting a man in his own apartment because you aren’t paying attention to your surroundings is depraved…
Yeah, it’s hard to pick the worst aspect of this story. It’s a dumb marketing stunt that was executed in a half-assed way by a junk food powerhouse in collaboration with the wooooorst new corporation of the 21st century.
If you do it on the big poppy-seed roll it definitely makes it more like a hero, which we seem to agree is a sandwich.
Your mom’s an insult to writers.
I’ll tell you man, moving from owning to renting was a nice feeling. Now we’ve got money in the bank and the flexibility to buy when we feel like it. We listed right after Labor Day on the advice of our broker. (He actually thought that summer was a relatively dead period and you want to avoid it.)
Heh, this is a good reminder that most “reasoning” and argument involves deciding on your conclusion first and then trying to think up the supporting arguments that prove you are right. Dude probably thought that the limited number of characters thing was fucking airtight.
So I can use this language in my workplace without repercussion!
I’ve posted about this one before (on deadspin of all places) - $24K for a procedure that the doctor thought would be covered.* There was even a state law that explicitly said it was covered but surprise! - because our employer-provided plan was “self-insured” (paid for out of the employer’s own pot of money, administe…
Besides, being a world leader like we were in the WWII era would presumably be part of Making America “Great” Again. Why in the hell wouldn’t we want to take the lead in reducing emissions?
Meh, he can just say that he thinks “the anniversary of 9/11" lasts all week, and 9/13 was close enough to be considered objectionable. Just like the “Ground Zero mosque” was planned to be a few blocks away from the World Trade Center site but that somehow still counted as “at” ground zero for millions of people.
If Warren or Sanders wins the party’s presidential nomination, there will be pressure in the Senate to adopt their proposals. And there could be tensions between a nominee and senators who do not back their proposals.
Your mom can’t read.
far more indicative of senility than racism
There are pretty much no dibs in NYC, for what it’s worth. Some people will try it, and you probably shouldn’t mess with them because they are almost certainly psychopaths, but most NYkers know that parking is dog-eat-dog, first-come-first-served.
Expelling them from the university is too much for several reasons. First, it’s too much punishment for ignorant stupidity, but more importantly, it becomes a recruiting tool for the KKK.
James Byrd deserves more outrage than a stupid white college girl in blackface.
They want to scare him into turning Liberal!
I’ve often thought that there should be a Facebook for art, where you go to a museum and “like” a piece. Your friends get to see that piece in your feed. Then you can browse the rest of the artist’s work, make a sort of bucket list, and hunt down more art. The potential for marketing for museums, galleries, and…