more like dim buttsmeller amirite

I just accidentally clicked on this article because it popped up in my Facebook feed, but I had to log in and comment because I like flying my spanf-ller sucks flag every now and then. I’ve been pretty much off the gizmodo empire for years now and you know what? It’s fine. You can certainly live without it.

You might

Yeah, you can definitely argue it both ways. In leaving one is punishing the writers and probably not hurting the jerks at the top at all, since execs tend to operate on a “heads I win, tails you lose” model where they always come out ahead.

Yeah, I’m trying to replace my G/O reading habits with other sites.

You’ve learned you don’t like that drink. Don’t order it again.

It’s not an emergency.

I mean, the name even says “come on” as in “aw cmon, do i have to?"

One way to do DVDs and Blu-Rays on a budget is to surf the used market and even trade them, via You basically get a constant supply of movies you want for about $4-5 a pop.

IMO it certainly didn’t deliver the ROI we expected from that POS.

I mean, I *wish* it was always just a text message. Some places want you to return their call, and my reaction is like “this needs to be smoother.”

Also, Spanfeller = All Serf Pen, just so you know.

So far the answer is straightforward, but I would wonder how people handle babysitters, cleaning people, or dogwalkers?

Also, as a Sichuan and Thai fan I can’t help but notice that this is what they offer in Chinese and Thai restaurants. (Tsingtao etc.) How can it be that Asian beer does not “pair” with spicy Asian food?

First off, this does look absolutely intentional to me, and it’s fucking obnoxious. It’s just one more thing that would flip Jane Swingvoter if it were covered without this veneer of plausible deniability. (Some people really do respond to simple things like this.)

but even I don’t think he was flipping off anyone here.

Thanks.  Looks good.  Somehow the comments are not crawling with trolls and/or crazy people, so that’s a plus.

These days I’m looking for a splinter substitute. Heck, I wouldn’t mind a G/O Media substitute. So far, my findings are:

Could’ve happened just because the neighbors complained. Oh, and there’s this:

Yeah, I definitely got addicted to splinter, especially since we now live in the worst of all timelines. My question is what else out there covers politics in a way that is actually fun to read (i.e. with snark, a point of view, and a decent comment section?)

and suggest a competitors alternative.

Yeah, I think it has a pretty “fresh” taste (for one thing, you can taste cilantro and onions in there), and the texture is a good compromise between chunky and “wet.” And the jars are good to save and reuse. :)