more like dim buttsmeller amirite

I spent the weekend reading about how much a herb Jim Spanfeller is.

I mostly agree with this take, but I do think the fact that the bartender correctly assumed what the problem was makes me feel like the “dish” wasn’t made correctly and the bartender knew when the drink was served that there was a chance the drink was not up to snuff...

I love the excuse it could be an emergency! Ok, but what are you going to do at that exact second with that text that is going to solve said emergency? You could have waited till you got a second to try and solve this emergency! My child just had their hand cut off in a blender!!!, What are you going to do? The person

People keep making this point under the assumption that a World Series game was attended exclusively by people who live within 20 minutes of the stadium. I live on the VA/NC border and have friends who drove five hours to go to game 4. It’s not just DC natives.

As Chris Rock said “there are black people who aren’t even born yet who won’t vote for him.”

I’ve been in marketing for a while and a constant is the complaints around how long review processes take and how many people have to weigh in before we release something.

As the son of a father of a brother of sons, I am outraged.

This reminds me of a “why you should take a summer course” ad campaign at a Canadian university. There were four different posters used; the two with photos of white students had taglines with a “because you’re a go-getter” theme, while the posters featuring photos of minority students had a “here’s your chance to catc

“You think maybe we should double-ch—”

Plot twist: It was gazpacho

He was also in There Will Be Blood, in which he has a milkshake stolen out from under him and ultimately dies in a gruesome bowling alley incident.

A Paul Dano is not an actor because he has his own name, but I guess you could call him one.

I mostly agree with Salty’s saltiness here, except that I don’t think that wrapping a used tissue in a clean paper napkin (or five) is such a terrible solution, though using a pocket until you can find an appropriate receptacle is better.

This goes 100% against the article, but I wholeheartedly agree with it.  Maybe others have a different perception but when I go for “spicy food” I won’t be discerning flavors in almost any beer so there’s really no point in having anything other than beer flavored beer

When the spice destroys your taste buds a cheap macro beer tastes like anything else. No point in wasting money on the good stuff when you can’t even taste it.

as a spicy food addict, i’ve always found ice cold dirt cheap pilsners to be the best pairing. there’s just nothing like downing a crap beer after setting your mouth on fire.

 Rocket man, burning down the fuels of Everlong 

Shannon Miller- In Prince’s “Kiss”, the line “Little girl Wendy’s parade” refers to the guitarist he was working with at the time, Wendy Ann Melvoin, who not only played the guitar parts in the song, but is also the only other person to appear in the video (aside from Prince and the dancer, Monique Mannen.)

Not to put too fine a point on it, but you are correct.

You definitely get it.