
Gosh, it's simply shocking, SHOCKING I say that your very first post is in defense of Fox News.

Actually, the JV Hannity, Eric "the oil Spill" Bolling from "The Five" weighed in on the leak of that video. He was simply people having the nerve to criticize good old fashioned coaching. He called the condemnation of the abuse part of the "Wussification" of America.

If so, Fox News in turn is crushed in the ratings by Honey Boo Boo and The Voice. All hail the wisdom, insight and dominance of Honey Boo Boo Chil' and Cee Lo Green!

Right you are, Patriot! And that's why we Fox-trusting Real 'Mericans know deep down that Mitt Romney really did win in a landslide, like the Pundits with the biggest Flag pins in all Cable News promised us would happen.

And the median age of those people, according to Neilsen: 68! Not surprising that O'Reilly and the Grouchy Old Timey "damn coloreds and liberals are ruinin' it for the Folks" Hour is its most popular show.

Maybe you can get Tucker Carlson to create The Daily Caller: LaxBro edition.

Every decade gets the music it deserves:

Were we looking at the same video? That guy has legit 45-47mm hops.

What the hell is wrong with you millenials? In my day we would've had this guy nicknamed after a large household consumer appliance by halftime.

In response to this clip, I'm going to nudge my daughter toward a psych major with a sub-specialty in dealing with scarred children of Parental video trolls.

White Cracker yells racist abuse at black athlete

Needs more: flaming sledgehammer; cowbell.

And does anyone realize the level of expectation this video is putting on young impressionable graphic artists and editors to live up to an impossible standard where they must render in real-time, using a fake digital effects program??

You just know 'Madea covers the Spread' will be playing on every flight you take next summer....

That was my exact thought: I genuinely want to spend a Sunday drinking on that sectional, watching the games and enjoying those three give each other sh*t.

Ryan Braun excitedly awaits his issue a statement declaring his disappointment that his friend would ever lie to him and the fans...

Seconding (thirding?) this notion - I was a surplus UPS employee for one Christmas season in college, and I saw nearly every package tossed. I personally tossed packages onto porches to speed up our turnaround time.

The swearing? Totally un-offensive. But the fact that an anchor on a national broadcast network utters the phrase: " Your guyses relationship" should merit huge FCC fines, and maybe a public flogging.

I'm with you Piglet - I'm a big fan of most of Lindy's writing, but sometimes I start to suspect that she'll drive around the internet block 3 times looking for a fight or a slight. I'm sure that once she moved from the Stranger to Gawker it became partially a traffic building strategy to spark fights and fan

Lindy, any chance that what you really mean is that Love Actually takes everything that you hold dear about genuine meaningful romantic connections —common values, mutual support, not being an entitled dick like it's the dude's job—and rapes it to death with a maudlin yet misogynist scone that really doesn't cost all